  • 學位論文


The Impact of Mortality Improvement on Life Annuity Pricing:An example of Deferred Life Annuity in Taiwan Proposed Labor Pension Plan

指導教授 : 楊曉文 林麗銖


回顧二十世紀,全世界人口結構的改變主要是因為受到生育率下降以及死亡率下降的影響,其將會使得老年人口在全部人口中所佔的比率逐漸遞增,這意味著長壽社會的來臨,其中所帶來的風險以老年退休問題為最嚴重。本研究將探討台灣地區死亡率的改善以及利率波動對延壽年金保險純保費的影響,以期精算出符合實際市場狀況的延壽年金保險之純保費。 本研究將考慮死亡率改善因子與考慮隨機利率期限結構,納入延壽年金保險純保費的定價中。首先,設計各種不同的延壽年金保險商品之內容。其次,引進Beta distribution與CIR Model,來計算延壽年金保險之躉繳純保費。最後,進一步針對各種不同情境組合,來探討延壽年金保險之躉繳純保費,並且與國內現行所採用之年金生命表與固定保單預定利率所計算出來的純保費做比較,探討其差異的情形,期能對勞工退休金條例中之延壽年金保險在做訂價時,有所助益。


In recent years, the mortality rates at all ages have decreased and the life expectancy of people has increased in the world. In this research, we attempt to price Deferred Life Annuity in Taiwan Proposed Labor Pension Plan considering both the improvement of future mortality rate and stochastic interest rate, which has not been used in Taiwan insurance industry. In this paper, we apply Beta distribution to project future mortality rate and CIR Model to calculate interest rate. Then, we use the projected mortality rate and interest rate to calculate the net premium. Finally, we illustrate the numerical results and the comparison of the net premium in all cases. We hope that the result of the analysis can benefit Deferred Life Annuity pricing in Taiwan Proposed Labor Pension Plan.


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