  • 學位論文


Searching the Internet with the Assistance of Functional Semantic Specification

指導教授 : 劉艾華


近年來,電腦技術快速發展,網路世界的無遠弗屆,資訊量隨之暴增,加上網路便利與不受時空限制的特性,越來越多的人開始藉由它找尋想要的資訊或服務,於是一個優質的搜尋引擎儼然成為資訊需求者不可或缺的工具。目前一般大型的網站,雖然都已陸續提供相關搜尋機制,協助使用者更快速的找到所需資訊。然而,這些搜尋機制大都只能利用所輸入關鍵字比對的方式來擷取列出搜尋的結果。如此一來所搜尋到的資訊大都不是使用者所需的資訊,使用者就必需再以人工的方式去過濾、篩選出想要的資訊,如此的動作將是費時又費力。 但究竟要如何去設計或者提供哪些服務,才能算是一個優良的資訊搜尋引擎? 因此,本研究透過事前的網站分析,依網頁的類型與其所提供的功能加以分類,為網頁增加功能性語意註記。期望搜尋之結果能篩選出與使用者之需求有最近似功能類別之網頁,進而提升搜尋結果的準確性與降低資料找尋之時間。


Recently, the search engines on the WWW has been a necessary tool for many people who’s works are based on the current and correct information. These search portals are trying to serve their customers by providing advanced and convenient mechanisms which are becoming a daily must for gathering information on the Web. These mechanisms help the users to find the suitable web pages in a way that is much more effective than before. However, the key-words based search mechanism usually return too large amount of information for the user to select. The user has to traverse and examine these returned pages one-by-one in order to decide which one is the right web page he needs. Unfortunately, the first page on the list of the search result usually is not the needed one. The user has to “browse through” so many listed pages before he can find a page that is really what he wants. This problem exists because the key-word based searches only pickup those pages related to the key-words but do not specifying the purpose. That means, what are the actual actions he needs to do with these pages. What can be done towards this problem is to allow the user to specify what they are looking for by pointing out the functional properties of the web pages. For example, if this page contains picture or if this page allow the user to download particular type of information. This problem points to the necessity of more advanced schemes for the user to be able to specify more clearly the functionalities of the web pages. The Semantic Web proposed by the W3C has been drawing researcher’s attention for its ability of placing meaningful annotations to the web pages. This research attempts to study the possibility of taking the advantage of the Semantic Web and allow the web pages carries information about their functionality. An ontology concerning the possible functionalities of the web pages has been designed by this research and, based on that, an experiment allowing the user to mark functional annotations into the pages and assisting the web searches has been conducted. It has been shown that adopting this scheme can improve the quality of the web searches by returning more accurate orders of the web pages. It is believed that, after widely accepting this scheme collaboratively, the web searches will be more precise and can save large amount of user’s valuable time.


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