  • 學位論文


A Study on the User Resistance Behavior of Information Technology

指導教授 : 吳錦波


企業對於資訊科技的應用,已為在迅速變遷的現代社會中,增加競爭力的必要方式,過去的研究發現,企業在實施資訊科技時,會發生員工對於資訊系統的抗拒行為,而導致企業運作的成本增加、彈性減少甚至是減少生產力的現象。另外,企業內之資訊系統的使用,除了個人使用的一般性軟體外,部門內與跨部門系統的使用也漸成為企業進行資源整合之首選,因此,抗拒行為如何在部門層級發生,並且對於資訊科技於企業中的實施會造成何種影響,也是本研究所關心的。因此,本研究以企業實施資訊科技之過程中,使用者之抗拒行為作為探討主題,研究結果期能對學術界理論建構有所貢獻,亦可供產業界對抗拒行為發生之因應與預防。 在研究設計方面,以質性研究方式,研究者觀察紀錄了個案公司實際發生抗拒行為的三個案例,並以訪談方式,深入了解使用者發生抗拒行為的原因、內隱反應與過程中其他相關影響因素。本研究以Lapointe & Rivard(2005)所提出的多層抗拒行為模型為基礎,將抗拒行為的主體分為個體(員工)與群體(部門)兩層面來設定探討範圍。在研究中加入時間的角色,以縱向觀點分析個案公司的三個案例,並進行案例之交叉分析,建構出「資訊科技使用者抗拒行為縱向模型」,此模型可對於以下三點提出很好的解釋: 1.使用者抗拒行為如何發生與演變。 2.使用者抗拒行為的「員工-部門」層級演變。 3.使用者從接受到抗拒或從抗拒到接受的行為演變。 研究發現摘要如下: 1.抗拒行為的縱向過程有以下四個層級變化模式,『員工→部門』、『部門→員工』、『員工→員工』、『部門→部門』。抗拒的行為可能一開始就由部門層次發生,也有可能是由員工逐漸演變為部門的。 2.資訊科技之實施「對部門的利益造成影響」,是引起部門抗拒行為的重要因素, 3.資訊科技的抗拒行為,可能發生於接受之前,也可能發生於產生接受之後。發生於接受行為之前的抗拒程度,較發生於接受行為後的為激烈。 4.在抗拒行為的縱向延續中存在「觸發因素」,對抗拒行為的演變產生了程度與層級改變的影響。 有關本研究的完整分析、成果論述,以及理論意涵,請參考本文。


The application of information technology has become the crucial method for the business companies to increase their competition ability in the rapid-changing modern society. The past studies have shown that the companies’ application of information technology may cause the employee’s resistance against the information system. This would lead to the increasing cost, the decreasing ability to change, or even the decreasing of productivity. In addition, companies’ information system does not only include the application of general personal software, but also the integrated application of inter-department and cross-department, which would gradually be the first choice of companies’ resource integration. Therefore, this research also concerns about how the resistance behaviors happen in the company departments and what effect would be brought by the company’s conducting information technology. This research’s main topic is the users’ resistance behaviors in the process of company’s application of information technology. The research aims to contribute to the academic field, and also to the business industry. The research takes the qualitative study as a methodology. The researcher has observed and recorded the three cases of a company in which the resistance behaviors happen. Based on the approach of multi-layer resistance behavior raised by Lapointe & Rivard (2005), there are two subjects in this research: the individuals (employee) and the community (departments). In addition, time is also an analytical concern when the researcher did the three case studies. After the longitudinal and cross analysis of the three cases, the research has constructed the longitudinal model of information technology users of resistance behaviors. The model could offer effective explanation of the following three points: 1.how the users’ resistance behaviors occur and transform. 2.the “employee--department” layer change of the users’ resistance behaviors. 3.the users’ behavior changes from acceptance to resistance or from resistance to acceptance. The followings are the research abstract: 1.There are four modes of layer changes in the longitudinal process of resistance behavior: employee→department, department→employee, employee→employee, department→department. The resistance behavior may occur from the department layer in the beginning, or gradually from the employee to the department. 2.The operation of information technology affects the department benefits. This is the important factor of resistance behavior in the department. 3.The resistance behavior may occur before or after the acceptance of information technology. The resistance before acceptance tends to be more furious then that after acceptance. 4.There are triggers exist in the longitudinal extension of resistance behavior, and they affect the degree and layer of changing resistance behavior. The complete analysis, the outcome elaboration, and the theory adaptation of the study could be found in the main text.


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