  • 學位論文


An Efficient Strong Designated-Verifier Ring Signature Scheme Providing Maximal Signer’s Anonymity

指導教授 : 黃心嘉




Many ring signature schemes with designated verifiers are proposed to protect signers’ identity privacy recently. Among those schemes, only Hwang and Cheng proposed their scheme to provide 1-out-of-infinite signer anonymity for anyone except designated verifiers. Moreover, to protect signers’ benefit, their scheme provides the signer admission. However, their signer admission cause the heavy computation cost to keep 1-out-of-infinite signer anonymity. To improve their performance with the same 1-out-of-infinite signer anonymity, our efficient ring signature scheme with strong designated verifier is proposed. Our scheme also reduces the size of the ring signature with strong designated verifiers and also provides the signer admission with the same 1-out-of-infinite signer anonymity. Since messages may reveal some sensitive information about the actual signer, our ring signcryption scheme with strong designated verifiers is proposed to 1-out-of-infinite signer anonymity for anyone, except the designated verifiers. Being compared with the other ring signcryption schemes, our scheme provides strongest signer anonymity to protect signers’ privacy. Our scheme is also free from the message length restriction while the other schemes are not.


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