  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumers’ Organic Products Buying Behavior—Ecological Consciousness as A Segmentation Variable

指導教授 : 張俊惠


隨著有機風潮的盛行,人們對健康保健的迷戀以及對環境關懷的日益增加。樂活族人口比例的增加,台灣的有機商店也在近幾年如雨後春筍般出現,數量逐漸增加,其中不乏知名的連鎖有機商店,例如:無毒之家、里仁、主婦聯盟等。民眾對於LOHAS議題的關心,消費型態的改變,使得相關產業的發展漸趨蓬勃。 本研究以Ajzen(1985)的計畫行為理論(TPB)來探討消費者對有機商品的態度、周遭親友所給予之壓力,也就是主觀規範及其他非意志可控制的因素(即知覺行為控制),希望能找出影響消費者購買有機商品所考量的因素,而本研究也以Roberts(1996a)建構的生態意識量表作為干擾變數,將消費者分群,希望了解不同的生態意識區隔對於有機商品的購買是否會有所差異。而本研究將採用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling,SEM)來進行分析,而主要的研究發現描述如下: 一、注重有機商品的好感度 本研究發現態度在直接或間接效果上都會對購買意圖產生正向且顯著的影響,表示消費者會因為購買有機商品獲得心靈上的滿足感,或是認為使用有機商品對環境有益而去購買。 二、教育消費者的環保知識 本研究發現對於不曾購買過有機商品的受測者而言,其主要原因是沒有偏好、不了解及沒有需求。由於原因是環環相扣,廠商可以透過廣告或是宣導環保知識,教育消費者使用有機商品對環境的好處。 三、生態意識確實為一個有效的市場區隔變數 本研究發現,不同生態意識族群在對有機商品的購買行為上,相關的影響因素不同。因此廠商可以針對自己想主攻的客群進行分析,先了解他們的生態意識程度,再對不同程度的客群做出不同的策略。


With the prevalence of organic atmosphere, people increase their attention and concern about their health and the environment. LOHAS is rising, and organic stores in Taiwan increase gradually in recent years, such as Yogi House, Leezen and Homemakers..etc. Issue of LOHAS that people concern, and changes in consumption patterns, making the development of related industries become vigorous. The study used Ajzen’s TPB model to measure consumers’ attitude, subjective norm , and perceived behavioral control, trying to find out the reasons of buying organic products that consumers concern. The study also took Ecological Conscious Consumer Behavior as a moderating variable to measure whether the purchase intention of organic products between people who are high and low ecological conscious is different or not. We applied SEM to analyze the valid response data. The major findings of this study were as follows: 1. We can find out attitude will have significant impact on purchase intention directly or indirectly. 2. Enterprises can teach consumers the benefits of using organic products through advertisements or environmental knowledge education. 3. We can truly take Ecological Conscious Consumer Behavior as an effective segmentation variable.


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邱奕豪(2015)。知覺價值、主觀規範與知覺行為控制對有機食品態度及購買意圖影響之研究 - 以性別為干擾變數〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2015.00673
