  • 學位論文


Design and Fabrication of Multi-Color Modes of LED Products

指導教授 : 詹益光
共同指導教授 : 曾憲威(Hsien-Wei Tseng)


目前節能及環保意識隨著全球產業的發展逐漸增強,於近幾年白熾燈泡陸續走入歷史,發光二極體(Light-Emitting Diode)為照明產業的應用帶來無限契機。相較於其他照明技術,發光二極體有著不錯的表現以外,顏色的多樣使得應用領域更加廣泛。由於發光二極體需為直流、低電壓提供電源,所以不適合直接推動在傳統鎢絲燈泡或日光燈之電源上,因此透過定電壓轉換才能適用於推動發光二極體產品,其必須考量電子電路相關技術的設計。 本論文將實作出發光二極體多種模式變化之彩光燈,使用單一燈具便能達到不同情境變化。透過高散熱材質鋁的散熱片設計,解決發光二極體散熱不佳的問題。以交換式電源供應設計定電壓控制電路,並且達到節能、體積小,可營造出特殊氣氛之效果。


Energy saving and environment protection issues have drawn people’s attention these days as the global industrial development prospers; the conventional incandescent lamps in recent years have continuously been faded and instead the LED (light emitting diode) lamps have brought in unlimited business opportunities in the illumination industry. Comparing with other illumination technology LED has many unique characteristics and also with its capability to illuminate many different color patterns makes the applications of LED across many fields. It needs to have direct current and low voltage in LED power supply therefore it is not suitable to design and fabricate LED directly on the same power sources as the conventional incandescent and fluorescent lamps. Consequently in the development of LED products it needs to use fixed voltage transformation and to consider proper electronic circuit technology in its product design. In this thesis many color modes of LED products are designed and fabricated; it utilizes one single light apparatus to generate many different color modes of LED lamps and it also solves the heat dissipation problem. The design of control circuit is for fixed voltage circuit and with it to accomplish the requirements of energy saving, small size anal then to produce many specific color patterns of LED lamps.


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