  • 學位論文


A Study of Non-Life Insurance Marketing Performance Indicators

指導教授 : 廖述源


健全之營業行銷制度,需要定期施以考核及檢討。基於營業部門在保險公司擔任第一線業務招攬工作,更應該定期考核其工作績效。藉由客觀之績效評估或是績效衡量,避免純屬個人臆測或偏見所引起之偏誤。一般而言,績效評量應包括一系列科學方法之運用,將其考核之結果,藉由各項指標予以量化,俾作為一種合理綜合研判之最終成果;簡而言之,績效評量是一項有系統之客觀調查分析,正確呈現經營結果,進而評析其優劣缺失,評估其經營績效。   本研究針對廣大層面提供數十項產險行銷績效評量指標公式,不僅考慮「量性」方面,同時亦兼顧到「質性」方面,藉由「質」「量」雙重並重之評量方式,將可使營業人員之行銷績效評量結果更具客觀性,且可導引產險營業同仁能不斷自我惕勵,並多注重充實自我,進而提升本身專業素質與行銷能力。   此外,基於產險公司彼此相互競爭,消費者可藉由運用行銷績效評量指標數據,對產險公司進行交叉分析,從中尋找優質產險公司予以投保,藉以確保其應有之權益;對於保險公司而言,亦可經由產險行銷績效評量指標評比結果,及時發現公司內部營業人員在業務招攬上之潛在缺失,除可避免種下日後經營危機外,更對保險公司本身經營策略擬定上有其相當助益。基上,建構產險公司之行銷績效評量指標公式,對於產險公司經營管理實有其必要性與重要性。


This study provides dozens of the general level of non-life insurance marketing performance evaluation index formula, not only to consider "quantitative" aspects, but also to take into account the "quality" of respect, by "quality" and "Quantity" double both the evaluation methods , will enable business marketing personnel performance evaluation results more objective, and can guide the continuous non-life insurance business colleagues self-toes, and more emphasis on self-enrichment, and thus enhance their professional quality and marketing capability. In addition, consumers can use data for cross-analysis of the non-life insurance, be insured from insurance companies to find high-quality; for Insurance companies, also through the non-life insurance marketing key performance indicators rating results, to detect internal sales staff in the business to attract the potential loss, except to avoid the seeds of future crisis management, but also on the insurance companies on their business strategy formulation there are very helpful. Based on the construction of non-life insurance marketing key performance indicators of the formula for non-life insurance business management is a necessary and importance.


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