  • 學位論文


The research of China entering the WTO from the contructivism

指導教授 : 翁明賢


世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization),WTO 於1995 年1 月1 日成立,並擁有153 個會員國。為一個重要且具代表性的國際性經貿組織,不僅使全球多邊貿易體系更加完善,更進一步影響會員國的國貿法規,對於規範國際間經貿活動方面,佔有舉足輕重的地位。因此本文即以世界貿易組織,為本文分析的主體。 中國雖然於2001 年11 月正式加入世界貿易組織,其間歷經了十五年的談判過程,在談判過程中,由於中國自身介於開發與已開發國家間的特殊角色,牽涉到世界貿易組織會員國與中國之間角色認知的差異,促使中國自身在加入世界貿易組織過程中,成為一個接受新國際規範的規範國。 本文主要以建構主義的角度,採用學者Martha Finnemore 的規範生命週期理論為理論架構,而以中國加入世界貿易組織的過程為分析範例,進行理論與實務的結合。試圖在理論框架下,對規範國也就是中國,以規範生命周期三個階段,分別是規範型塑,規範擴散以及規範國內化,的分析模式,設立指標,以評估世界貿易組織規範對於中國本身的影響程度,並進一步分析其理論的實證性。希望亦能為此一案例建立出其他可能的分析模式。 關鍵字:世界貿易組織 規範生命週期理論


The World Trade Organization (WTO) was founded on January 1st 1995.There are 153 memberships in the WTO. The WTO is one of the most important international economic and trade organizations. Not only the WTO arranges the multilateral trading systems, but also inpact the international trade law of it’s memberships. The World Trade Organization is the subject of this thesis. As the case, China was been applied in WTO on November 2001.Before entered the WTO, The negotiation between the Chinese government and the WTO had been lasted about 15 years. In this process, due to the special role that China represents, China was involved in the conflicts of different aspects that the memberships of the WTO. For this thesis, China is playing the role of applying the new international regulations. As the theory structure, this thesis adapts the Norm Life Circles from Martha Finnemore. Besides, the procession of China applying to the WTO is the main example of this article. The main purpose of this thesis is trying to estimate the influence from regulations of WTO toward China. Furthermore, this thesis analyzes the Empirical of Norm Life Circles. Also, the article intends to construct the other structure toward this case about China entering the WTO.


公司,1993 年。
版社,2008 年。
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