  • 學位論文


Constructing A Conceptual Model of Integrated CRM by CLV Perspective in Database Marketing

指導教授 : 王居卿


時代不斷向前推進,科技、傳播媒體與行銷手法亦日新月異,消費者不但面臨了市場訊息紛雜且注意力被分散之問題,企業更遭受行銷成本不斷攀升與行銷效益低落之挑戰。為求企業之獲利與永續長存,近數十年來產、學二界興起顧客關係管理(CRM)之應用與研究,結果均發現留住有價值的顧客方能提升企業之獲利。然而,亦有不少研究顯示企業執行CRM之結果多數是失敗或未達最低之績效指標。雖然企業希望以CRM之執行以達提高顧客終身價值/獲利性之目的,但可能有某些關鍵因素之不周全,致使執行CRM之失敗率居高不下。   過往,有關CRM之研究大多集中於本研究統稱為「顧客端」因素,如顧客忠誠度、RFM model、重複購買率及顧客關係強度等單一範疇議題之探討。相對地,對另一影響CRM成敗之「企業端」因素的研究則是相對稀少,更未發現將「顧客端」與「企業端」二端因素加以整合。基此,本研究的主要目的是從顧客終身價值之觀點去探討成功CRM之整合模型及其衡量項目。 本研究以顧客終身價值之觀點,透過大量文獻之回顧、歸納與推演,去建構一個「資料庫行銷中顧客終身價值觀點下整合式觀念性CRM模型」,並將各分散之研究成果與CRM相關因素,明確統整出成功執行CRM之「顧客端」與「企業端」二端因素之指標及其衡量項目。本研究之成果不但彌補了以往研究之缺口,更可供企業有效執行CRM提高成功機率之具體參考。再者,本研究根據推演之過程與所建構之模型共研擬出六項命題,此命題亦是產、學二界後續應用與相關研究之重要參考。


Technology, mass media and marketing skills have became more fancy and diversification than before due to the rapid change of environments. However, consumers have been confused because of too much and diversified market information which they had received day by day, and that reduced the marketing effectiveness. For many years, customer relationship management(CRM) has been applied and studied among practitioners and academicians to increase customer lifetime value(CLV), but several evidences indicated most of companies that applied CRM were failure. In the past, most of researches have been focused on "customer side" factors of CRM, such as customer loyalty, RFM model, repeat purchase and customer relationship strength, but "enterprise side" factors research is relatively rare, and lacks of the integration of two-side factors of CRM. Through literature review, induction and deduction, this study constructs a conceptual model of integrated CRM by CLV perspective in database marketing to find out the successful factors of CRM integration, that may enhance enterprise to implement CRM successfully. Six propositions were developed according to the integrated CRM model in this study, these propositions are also an important reference for the continued application and related research of CRM and CLV among practitioners and academicians.


CRM CLV Database Marketing Customer loyalty


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