  • 學位論文


A Study of PRC's Policy on Taiwan during Xi Jinping's Period

指導教授 : 王高成


中共國家主席習近平自2013年3月起接任胡錦濤繼任中共國家主席,成為中共第五代最高領導人,有別於胡錦濤之「和平統一」、「韜光養晦」等對臺及外交政策,習於近年接續提出「中國夢」、「民族復興」、「兩岸一家親」、「六個任何」及「不放棄武力犯臺」等軟硬兼施對臺策略,在2013至2016年之間,我國發生了「反服貿」、「太陽花學運」及「九合一大選」等社會活動及民主選舉,雖連動影響兩岸政治氣氛,然在雙方政府積極運作下,成功開創自1949年兩岸政府最高領導人之晤面「馬習會」,同時緩解當時逐漸升溫之兩岸緊張態勢。 2016年蔡英文接任中華民國第14任總統,然而,我國新執政黨因與中共官方意識形態有所不同,兩岸互動逐漸轉為「冷和」,期間中共國臺辦陸續發表我新政府在兩岸論述上「只是一份未完成的試卷」、「不承認九二共識就無法恢復談話」等言論,兩岸互動急轉直下。 本論文以探討「習近平時期中共對臺政策」為出發點,分析在習近平時期主政時期下,在考量自身內部因素、臺灣、國際等因素後,對臺施以政治、經濟及外交等政策,並列舉渠等政策對我國各層面所產生影響。 研究結果發現,在習近平主政時期不論面對我國馬、蔡政府,其對臺政策皆保強勢作風、並以「軟硬兼施」策略製造我國民眾對立、所提政策更加精煉及多元、政策考量因素增加、「促統」作為持續強化,並提列兩岸應恢復溝通能增加雙方互信、大力發展經濟以制衡「經統」、善用國際形勢、停止朝野對立等政策建議。


Since March 2013, Chinese Communist Party President Xi Jinping has taken over as Hu Jintao's successor as president of the Communist Party of China, becoming the fifth generation of the CPC's top leaders, unlike Hu Jintao's "peaceful reunification", " Keep a low profile "Taiwan and other foreign policies, and has in recent years put forward the "Chinese Dream"," National rejuvenation"," People on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are all of one family", "National Renaissance six" "Do not give up the armed forces to fight Taiwan" and other hard and soft to Taiwan strategy, in 2013-2016 years, China has taken place "anti-trade", "Solar Flower School Movement" and " Although social activities and democratic elections, such as the " Nine-in-oneness election",have influenced the political atmosphere on both sides of the strait, they have successfully opened the "Ma Xi meeting" of the top leaders of the cross-Strait government since 1949, while easing the tension on both sides of the strait, which was gradually heating up at that time. In 2016,Tsai Ing-wen took over as the 14th president of the Republic of China. However,due to differences in the official ideology of the Chinese Communist Party, the cross-strait interaction has gradually turned into a "cold peace". During the Period, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Chinese Communist Party has criticized my new government on both sides. On the discussion of "just an unfinished paper" and "can't resume talks without recognizing the 1992 consensus", cross-strait interaction has turned sharply. Based on the discussion of the "A Study of PRC's Policy on Taiwan during Xi Jinping's Period ",this article analyzes the political,economic,and diplomatic policies of Taiwan after considering the internal factors,Taiwan, and international factors in the Xi's Period,and enumerate the impact of these policies on all levels of Taiwan. The study found that during the Period of Xi Jinping's administration, regardless of China's Ma and Tsai government, their Taiwan policy was strong, and the "soft and hard" strategy was used to create a confrontation between the Chinese people,the policies were more refined and diverse, and the policy considerations increased. As a continuous strengthening, the "promotion of reunification" and the resumption of communication between the two sides of the strait can increase mutual trust and vigorously develop the economy to check and balance the "economic policy",make good use of the international situation, and stop the opposition between the ruling and the opposition.


