  • 學位論文


Design of Fire Extinguishing Action System with Obstacle Avoidance Heat Source

指導教授 : 李揚漢


本文主要在探討火災現場尋找發熱源,並且撲滅火源。本實驗以 Arduino UNO R3為主要開發平台,並搭配 ESP8266 WIFI Module、超音波避障器、雙組的紅外線陣列熱成像感測模組以及智能載具,使用者可利用手機中 Blynk APP控制本載具,在 APP中可即時監測溫度與控制載具。本智能載 具因搭配雙組紅外線陣列熱成像模組,加速尋找發熱源,並加上超音波避障,使載具不會因撞上物品而無法找到熱源,再透過 WIFI模組,可及時將溫度數據與位置傳至手機 APP。在找到發熱源位置後,利用載具上水磊,鋪滅火源。使此智能載具不但能找到發熱源並且可將發熱源撲滅。火災現場內因高溫與濃煙,所以消防員可將此智能載具放置須探測位置,讓智能載具搜尋到火源位置,待消防人員抵達火源位置之前,可先行利用水磊裝置撲滅。


In this thesis, we study the technology to find the heat source and put out the fire at the fire place immediately. The users can control the autonomous moving platform (AMP) to find the heat source using the Blynk APP within the mobile phone. Our AMP can monitor the real time temperature at the fire place and upload this value to our mobile phone APP. The firefighters can allocate the AMP at the appropriate location to detect the fire source at the fire scene. Our AMP can use the water to extinguish the fire source before the firefighters approaching the fire source to let firemen more safety.


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