  • 學位論文


Herbert Croly and His Political Thought: 1909-1921

指導教授 : 戴萬欽


十九世紀末、二十世紀初為美國歷史的重要轉折時期。工業化在此時期不僅帶來生產形式的轉變,更影響社會結構與人際互動。賀伯特•克羅利在此驟變的環境下,對美國民主的定義有著深刻的體察與省思。他在著作美國生活的展望中,有系統且鉅細靡遺地闡述其改革理念。許多歷史學者盛稱,此著作為研究美國進步主義運動的重要作品。而他在一九一四年創立的新共和週刊不僅是美國極具影響力的刊物之一,也間接地影響威爾遜政府的外交政策。 本論文首先探討克羅利在美國生活的展望與新共和週刊中的政治理念,並藉由分析他與老羅斯福和威爾遜之間的互動情形,將其改革理念與當時的政治環境相互結合。克羅利早年所接受的「實證主義」與「實用主義」哲學觀點,皆反映在其著作美國生活的展望與新共和週刊的文章。實證主義哲學灌輸克羅利利他精神以及反對有限政府的觀念,而實用主義哲學則啟發克羅利提倡實驗性的改革政策。此兩個哲學觀念影響克羅利極為深邃。 克羅利窮其畢生之力,孜孜探求協調個人自由與社會秩序之途徑。他未曾放棄藉由政府權力迫使人民行善的期望。然而,當他欲藉由政府權力迫使人民實踐社會責任之際,卻忽略多數時候道德行為應該出自個人意願的事實。當他滿懷熱忱地呼籲威爾遜政府,藉由戰爭向世界推廣其改革理念之際,卻忽視戰債賠償與政治鬥爭的實際問題。總的說來,克羅利提出的改革論點似乎過於理想化,但另一方面他提出的理念卻代表美國社會,即將由過去放任無為政策,轉型為管理性資本主義的過渡階段。


The late 19th century and early 20th century is a critical period in American history. Industrialization in American society not only changed the way of production but further brought about changes of social structure and interpersonal interaction as well. Confronted with such great impacts, Herbert Croly achieved profound understanding of American democracy and expressed his ideas of governmental role in societies. His main work, The Promise of American Life, in which he comprehensively presented his political ideas, was regarded as a must-read book to understand the Progressive Movement. Besides, his articles in The New Republic, which he founded in 1914 and has long been regarded as one of the most influential journals in the U.S, indirectly influenced Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy. This thesis mainly focuses on Croly’s political thought through the analyses of The Promise of American Life and his articles in The New Republic; besides, in order to integrate Croly’s thought with political circumstances at the time, this thesis also discusses Croly’s interaction with two influential Presidents, Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson. Croly was absorbed in the philosophies of Pragmatism and Positivism during his early years. Positivism inculcated Croly the ideas of altruism and expansion of governmental power. Pragmatism inspired Croly to promote experimental reform policies. Croly devoted his life to coordinating personal liberty and social orders. He never gave up the hope of propelling people to practice virtues through governmental power. However, while advocating that government should be granted with more power to force people to carry out social responsibilities, he ignored the fact that moral behavior should derive from personal willingness. While zealously calling on the Wilson Administration to promote his political ideas to the whole world, he overlooked the problems of political struggles within the United States and international war debt. All in all, the reform ideas that Croly advocated are idealistic but they also signify that the American society was moving from laissez faire doctrine to managed capitalism.


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