  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Factors Having Important Effect upon Brand Loyalty after Implementation of Mobile Number Portability-- A Case Study in Metropolitan Taipei Area

指導教授 : 曾義明


目前,台灣的行動通訊市場已相當飽和,幾乎每個人都擁有1個以上的手機門號,而且自從「號碼可攜服務」開放以後,業者間的競爭更是激烈,消費者的選擇也隨之多樣化。既然消費者可以「輕鬆跳槽-換家不換號」,過去靠綁約所建構的品牌忠誠度也就日漸淡薄。因此,本研究特別觀察行動通訊服務業,對應過去的文獻資料來做比較,針對消費者品牌忠誠度加以探討,發現以下因素如:企業形象、服務品質和價格認知,對品牌忠誠度的影響甚鉅;而轉換成本對品牌忠誠度的影響,則未如預期;另外,對其與消費者未來搜尋意願高低的關係,也都有深入分析,俾使業者在訂定行銷策略上有實質參考意義。 本研究以台北地區的消費者為研究對象,進行問卷調查。研究發現歸納如下: 一、企業形象越佳,則消費者的品牌忠誠度越高; 二、服務品質越好,則消費者的品牌忠誠度越高; 三、對價格認知越正面時,則消費者的品牌忠誠度越高; 四、轉換成本越高,不代表能爭取到越高的消費者品牌忠誠度; 五、消費者的品牌忠誠度越高,不代表未來的搜尋意願會越低。 最後,本研究認為行動通訊服務業者要在市場上脫穎而出,則企業形象、服務品質和價格策略,都是維繫品牌忠誠度不可或缺的基本要素,而且在轉換成本微乎其微,和市場資訊透明的時代裡,唯有堅持服務品質,包含積極開創核心競爭力,例如著重創新服務(如3G影像通話)、鎖定行動數據加值內容(如用手機MSN)、提供全面整合功能(如結合市話、電子錢包、悠遊卡)等,才能長久立於不敗之地。畢竟,體貼入微、合乎人性的服務,才是贏得顧客青睞的不二法門。


In recent years the telecom market has reached its maturity in Taiwan and almost everyone has more than one mobile phone number. In addition, as the Number Portability Policy has been implemented since 2005, the competition among service providers has become all the harsher, and customers thus benefited from the variety of brand choices. However, since customers are now free to transfer from one service provider to another, brand loyalty has declined. Therefore, the goal of this research aims to investigate the changes in mobile telecom customer’s brand loyalty before and after the implementation of the Number Portability Policy. Three factors were found to be of great significance in influencing brand loyalty, and they are: 1) corporate image, 2) service quality, and 3) price cognition. On the contrary, the transfer cost effect did not show much influence as we expected. Moreover, the research also had an analysis on the relationship between brand loyalty and capability of alternative options. The unit of analysis in this research was based on customers in Metropolitan Taipei Area, and the researcher applied market survey to gather data from these customers. In brief, the final result shows that: 1.The better the corporate image, the higher levels of brand loyalty. 2.The better the service quality, the higher levels of brand loyalty. 3.The more positive cognition of the price, the higher levels of brand loyalty. 4.The higher transfer cost does not necessarily follow that there will be higher levels of brand loyalty. 5.The higher levels of brand loyalty does not necessarily follow there will be less capability of alternative options. In conclusion, in order for service providers to excel in the competitive telecom service market, the three factors –corporate image, service quality, and price strategy– are the essential and necessary elements that remain brand loyalty. Among them, providing innovated and blended service is the most important key to win consumers' hearts.


傅建彰(2003),「服務品質、網路素養、顧客滿意度及品牌忠誠度關聯性之研究-以HiNet ADSL服務為例」,成功大學企業管理研究所碩士論文。
