  • 學位論文


China's Oil Diplomacy in Latin America under the era of globalization

指導教授 : 郭建中


隨著中國逐年持續發展,中國已經成為世界最大的市場以及世界工廠。他曾帶給外界保守封閉與自給自足的印象;然而,自從中國領導人鄧小平在1978年實施開放政策後,中國已經打破過去外界對他的刻板印象。為了要維持穩定的發展,石油的需求就必須非常充分;因為它是每個工業化國家賴以生存發展的重要命脈。因此,石油供給來源就必須要穩定且多元化。 自21世紀以來,中國即與拉丁美洲國家維持頻繁的政治與經濟上的互動。由於拉丁美洲擁有豐富的石油蘊藏,這誘因也促使中國加強維繫與拉丁美洲國家之間的政經關係。本論文目的欲了解中國在因應全球化下,如何施展他在拉丁美洲的石油外交。此外,本文也欲探討中國在拉丁美洲石油外交下,其國際關係(包括:中拉關係、中美關係、中台關係以及是否為和平崛起)將會如何受影響與發展。 事實上,目前中國尚未有正式的拉美石油外交官方公佈或官方文件;然而,近年來中國與拉丁美洲國家之間的能源合作與能源方面的經貿往來也是不爭的事實。雖然中國在拉丁美洲的石油外交對整體雙方或國際關係目前似乎是無傷大雅,但隨著中國經濟不斷的成長與其國力也持續的在逐年增長,各界尤其是台灣應須留意中國對拉丁美洲國家之後在能源方面的動態。如此一來,各界尤其是在拉丁美洲擁有諸多邦交國的台灣才能做出正確的判斷以因應中國的舉動。


Due to the continuing development every year, China has become the largest market and world factory. It used to be a conservative and self-reliant socialist country. However, China has broken such an image since Deng Shiao-ping practiced the “open-up” policy in 1978. In order to sustain the stable development, the demand of oil which is the critical natural resource for each industrialized country must be sufficient. On the other hand, the origin of oil has to be stable and diversified. Since the 21st century, China has maintained frequent political and economic interactions with Latin American countries. For Latin America also has abundant oil reserve, the incentive drives China to keep close political and economic relationship with Latin American countries. The purpose of this study is to realize how China exercises its oil diplomacy in Latin America in accordance with globalization. Besides, the international effects among Sino-Latin American relations, Sino-US relations, Sino-Taiwan relations and rising with peace or with pursuing hegemony also become the main issues which are investigated in this study. Actually China does not officially practice its oil diplomacy in Latin America, there is no denied that China does make some efforts on energy issue in Latin America. Although China’s oil dimplomacy seems to be un-harmful so far, with China’s boosting economic development and its rising national power, people especially Taiwanese should keep alert to the next move of China. Otherwise, relative countries around the world will miss the best time to react to the whole situation.


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