  • 學位論文


A Study of Chinese President Hu Jintao’s Overseas Chinese Affair Policy(2002-2009)

指導教授 : 潘錫堂
共同指導教授 : 龔春生(Michael Kon)


2002年胡錦濤接任中共中央總書記,從此展開胡錦濤時代序幕,從2002年至2009年期間,中國大陸在經濟社會發展、國際事務參與、兩岸關係進程及僑務工作方面,均較以往有更大的精進與收穫。 在經濟社會發展方面,2007年胡錦濤在中共「十七大」提出「中國特色社會主義理論體的觀點」,把「科學發展觀」列為此一理論體系的構成要素,並定義為「經濟社會發展的重要指導方針,是發展中國特色社會主義必須堅持和貫徹的重大戰略思想」。把「構建社會主義和諧社會」視為貫徹「科學發展觀」的核心目標,建立以人為本、社會和諧的小康社會。 在國際關係發展方面,2005 年12 月中共發佈「中國的和平發展道路」白皮書稱,中國將走和平發展道路,爭取和平的國際環境發展自己,堅持和平、發展、合作,與各國共同致力於建設持久和平與共同繁榮的和諧世界。 在兩岸關係進程方面,2005年3月中共通過「反分裂國家法」,在國際社會及海外僑社凝聚「一個中國」共識方面,取得正面且深遠的影響,同時也對台灣政府及其僑務工作造成重大衝擊與壓力。 在僑務政策方面,2005年胡錦濤會見全國僑務工作會議與會代表時強調,在凝聚僑心、發揮僑力,爲實現全面建設小康社會的宏偉目標作貢獻方面,僑務工作大有作爲;在反對和遏制「台獨」分裂勢力,推動祖國和平統一進程方面,僑務工作大有作爲;在開展民間外交、傳播中華優秀文化、擴大中國人民與世界各國人民友好交往方面,僑務工作大有作爲。 本論文係以「歷史研究法」為研究途徑,「文獻資料分析法」為研究方法,就2002年至2009年胡錦濤主政期間的歷史事件發展,蒐集各方資料進行整理、分類、歸納與分析,瞭解中共僑務政策脈絡,探討胡錦濤僑務政策背景與內涵,及整理台灣僑務因應作為。透過本論文的闡述,可以認清中共當前的僑務策略,及其在政治、經濟、文教等領域結合華僑力量的作為,其成效與影響,將可預判中共僑務政策未來走向,此部分仍可供後續觀察與研究。


華僑 華人 胡錦濤 僑務政策 科學發展觀


The era of Hu Jintao was ushered in after he held the title of General Secretary of the Communist Party of China in 2002. During the year 2002 to 2009, China has witnessed a greater improvement and result in the matters of social and economic development, international participation, cross-strait relations and overseas Chinese affairs. In regards of the social and economic development, “the Scientific Outlook on Development” was a part of Hu Jintoa’s theories of “socialism with Chinese characteristics” raised at 17th Party Congress in 2007, defining as “an important guidance for economic and social development and a major strategic that must be upheld and applied in developing socialism with Chinese characteristics”. This is to put “building a harmonious socialist society” as a main objective, formulating a moderately prosperous society which is agreeable and human-centric. Looking at the progress of international relations, there is the white paper on Peaceful Development Road published by the Chinese government on Dec. 2005, which promised a future of peaceful development by promoting a friendly international environment to push forward itself, stressing peace, development, cooperation, and building a harmonious world of sustained peace and common prosperity along with other countries. With respect to the cross-strait relations, a positive and profound influence was seen in the international and overseas community after the adoption of “One-China policy” in Anti-Secession Law, which was ratified on March 14, 2005 by the Communist Party of China (CPC). In the mean time, great impact and stress was laid upon the Taiwanese government and their overseas compatriot affairs. As for the policy concerning Taiwan and overseas Chinese, Hu Jintao stressed in the meeting with delegates of the national overseas Chinese affairs commission, that there has been great success in regard to the contribution of overseas Chinese in the grand objective of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, slashing “Taiwan Independence” attempt, achieving peace and national unity, advancing grassroots’ diplomacy, spreading the great Chinese culture and promoting the relationship between Chinese and people from around the world. Through the review of literature and history events, this study focuses on the milestone of Hu Jintao administration between 2002 to 2009, organizing, categorizing, generalizing and analyzing data in all areas so as to understand the Party’s policy on overseas Chinese. We discuss the context and content of these polices, and observe the reaction on the Taiwanese government. CPC utilizes overseas Chinese’s effort and the subsequent impact in political, economical, cultural and educational sphere. In light of this, this study illuminates CPC’s current strategy and predict the outlook of their overseas Chinese policies, helping with future studies.


王賡武,中國與海外華人 (香港:商務印書館,1994年1月)。
「胡錦濤和馬英九的共識與分歧--「胡六點」的另類觀察」,海峽評論(台北)2009年2月 。


