  • 學位論文


A study of the role and functions of the reservist counseling organization

指導教授 : 黃一峯


古人曾說:「天下雖安,忘戰必危」「生於憂患,死於安樂」,這兩句話正是現階段全體國人應該深切體認的處境與思考重點。中華民國與強敵對峙超過半世紀,之所以能維持長治久安,靠的就是國軍建軍備戰努力的成果。 全民國防是一切建設的根本,而現代化的國防是建構全民防衛體系,只要全國國民上下一心,支持國防政策的推動,在物質上配合國防建軍的腳步,在精神上落實全民國防的觀念,再行動上持續支持並肯定國軍,必能使中華民國立於不敗之地,以捍衛我全國兩千三百萬同胞,確保我國家國土安全。 運用後備軍人輔導組織協力國防部推展國防事務工作,除發揮其組織功能與角色,朝維護社會安定、確保國家安全及凝聚全國三百萬後備軍人愛國信念此目標邁進外;更能藉其組織活動,提升我國後備軍人無論在平時、戰(災)時,養成聞令報到、勇於赴戰的精神,達成「平時養兵少、戰時用兵多」的目標,使後備軍人成為三軍的堅實後盾及國家的中流砥柱。 換言之,因應國防政策修訂、國際局勢詭譎多變及面對中共武力犯台、非傳統安全等威脅,如何確保國家生存及維護人民生命財產安全,應著重於健全其組織功能與志工角色;這將是經營利我戰爭面、推廣全民國防理念及奠定戰時動員戰備基礎,最有效的方法,亦是當前國防政策重要課題。


The ancient people have said that: “all may be quiet, but it is dangerous to forget war,” and “thrive in calamity and perish in soft living.” The whole nation should carefully think about these two adverbs and apply to our current situation. Republic of China has relied on her own strength to say “no” to enemies. The strength comes from our national defense and the effort of combat readiness. National defense plays a pivotal role in the construction of our country, and the modernization of national defense system is fundamental. Only if the whole nation works in unity, supports promotion of national defense policy, acts in concert with the establishment of national defense, mentally prepared for national defense, and supports our initiatives, then the Republic of China will be free of failure, and will make sure that our country land is secured. How to utilize the advantage of the reservist counseling organization in assisting military defense affairs is essential. All reserve soldiers, whether in peacetime or wartime must develop spirit of conscientiousness and courage to go to war, to achieve the goal of “minimize military force in peaceful time and maximize in the wartime”. This way, the reservist can become a solid backup of the armed forces to maintain the stability of society and become irreplaceable forces of national security to meet the military goals and national expectation. In other words, in situations of revised defense organization law, facing invasion of People’s Republic of China, non-traditional security threats, and changeable international affairs, we must strive to focus on functional organization and volunteer roles to ensure the survival of the country and safeguard people's lives and property. This will be an essential and fundamental topic in current defense policy to combat wartime readiness and national promotion of the defense system.


林弘昌、王順堂(2010)。〈以非營利組織的概念淺談後備軍人輔導組織〉,《復興崗學報》,卷:100 2010.12,頁81-105。
