  • 學位論文


A Research on Russia’s Banking Sector

指導教授 : 陳麗娟


俄羅斯金融制度改革的中心,是建立兩級銀行體制和發展金融市場;中央銀行的改變與政府和財政的關係,確立了自己的獨立地位,成為總體調控的主體。商業銀行的體制之管理逐漸規範化,利率通過市場方式逐步開放,金融市場因而獲得發展。然而,經濟衰退、財政危機和金融自由化,導致1998年金融危機。在普丁時期,進行銀行重組、調整貨幣政策與整頓金融市場,使金融環境及銀行業獲得良好的改善。在2008年全球金融風暴後,俄羅斯聯邦政府從2008年9月起,相繼公布了一系列改革金融體系的措施。 本文所討論的中心著重於俄羅斯銀行業從蘇聯解體後的改革與變化,以及在1998年金融風暴和2008年次貸危機後對銀行業發展所造成的影響進行探討,主要目的是為了進一步了解俄羅斯金融體系及銀行業的發展和現況,並對近年來加入世界貿易組織後的俄羅斯銀行業之展望進行分析和研究。因此,本論文希望藉由所研討之範疇,提供我國對於俄羅斯之銀行業有更進一步的了解。 據上述之研究動機,本文研究目的在尋求下列問題之解答: 1.分析俄羅斯金融制度和銀行制度的建立與發展 2.探究目前銀行業以及其監理制度的現況


The reform of Russia's financial system focused on establishing the Two- Level Banking System, and developing financial market; Russia’s Central Bank, by changing the relation between government and finance, established its own independent position and began to serve as a body with all-financial supervision. The gradual standardization of commercial banking system and gradual deregulation of interest rates through markets led to development of financial market. However, the economic recession, fiscal crisis and financial liberation resulted in 1998 financial crisis in Russia. During Putin's presidency, Russia saw sound improvement in financial environment and banking sector thanks to the reorganization of banks, adjustment of the monetary policy and rectification of the financial market order. This thesis aims to examine the reform and change of Russia's banking sector following the collapse of the Soviet Union, and to explore the affections to Russia's banking sector caused by the 1998 Financial Crisis and 2008 Subprime Lending Crisis. And the purpose of this thesis is to further understand the development and current status of Russia's financial system and banking sector, and also to analyze and study the prospect of Russia's banking sector after entry to the WTO in the recent latest years. This thesis works on: 1.The analysis on establishment and development of Russia's financial system and banking system; 2.The exploration of the current status of Russia's banking sector and its governance system.


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趙俊筌 (2008),「經濟全球化的俄羅斯金融安全:以葉爾欽時期為例」,《稻江學報》,第3卷,第2期,頁260-279。
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Alexei Karas, Koen Schoors, Laurent Weill (2010), “Are Private Banks more Efficient Than Public Banks? -Evidence from Russia”, Economics of Transition, Volume18, Issue1, pp. 209 -244.

