  • 學位論文


A Study of China’s Five Strategies in Foreign Investment

指導教授 : 吳漢


中國自1979年改革開放以來,始終將穩定發展經濟列為首要戰略任務;隨著2001年加入世貿組織後,中國「國內市場國際化、國際市場國內化」趨勢的出現,為中國企業對外投資提供良好條件,惟在快速經濟發展情況下,相對其資源等消耗亦持續增長,直接威脅經濟安全。故中國實施「走出去」戰略,推動重點企業技術進步和產品結構調整,以及在加速改制、重組、聯合、兼併進程的同時,透過對外投資與合作,開發資源、獲取先進科學技術、擴大境外產品貿易與金融投資等,提升參與國際市場競爭,利用國際國內兩種資源、兩個市場,增強自主經濟實力,並由中國政府擬訂策略方向,引導重點企業及成立「主權基金」對外投資發展,具有開發資源戰略、獲取高新技術戰略、加速產品全球佈局戰略、併購國際名牌升級品牌戰略、多元參與對外投資發展通路戰略等五種主要戰略意涵。 面對中國大陸對外投資戰略積極發展,臺灣製造產業、資訊電子產業、金融投資等方面,將造成嚴重的衝擊;另中國大陸如果運用大量「主權基金」,有目的進行我國相關產業投資,對我國家經濟安全可能產生嚴重影響,我政府應積極推動吸引台商回國投資,深耕台灣,善用智慧財產權、技術移轉及能源開發等,掌握相關產業「關鍵技術」,防堵高新科技與核心產業技術的外流,增強我國產品於國際市場的競爭力,避免壓縮台灣產業生存發展空間。 此外,政府應根據國際規範提升金融監理品質,強化執法效率,以健全金融體質,從而確保我國家金融體系的安全,有效防堵中國企業及「主權基金」透過「紙上公司」等管道,對我國內產業、金融等進行投資控股,影響我國經濟安全。


Since the "Opening-up" policy conducted in 1979, China always viewed stable economic development as its primary strategic mission. After being approved of entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO), China’s “internationalize domestic market and nationalize international market” policy created good environment for its domestic enterprises. However, its resources consumption also increased dramatically with the rapid economic growth, and which has directly threatened its economic security. Accordingly, China carried out the “going out” policy. The policy emphasized on advancement of industries’ technology, adjustment of industries’ product structure and promotion of competition in the international market by way of foreign investment and cooperation, resource exploration, acquisition of advanced technology, expansion foreign trade and financial investment while accelerating reconstruction, reorganize, unite and merger. On one hand, with these resources and markets (internal and external), Chinese industries’ independent economic power was strengthened; and on the other hand, the government made policies, directed key industries and set up the Sovereignty Wealth Fund to develop externally. Therefore, China has five strategies in foreign investment which included strategies of resource exploration, technology acquisition, product globalization, promotion brand ability, diversified participation and expansion of marketing. China’s active foreign investment posture would inevitably made huge impact on manufacturing, electronics and financial industries in Taiwan. If China applied enormous Sovereignty Wealth Fund to invest Taiwanese high-end industries with “special intention,” Taiwan’s national security would be threatened even worse. Taiwanese government should encourage overseas Taiwanese businessmen to come back and invest in the island, prevent Taiwanese high-tech advantages and core skills from leaking out through good management of intelligence property right, technology transformation and resource exploration, and promote competition in the world. Furthermore, our government should advance financial development and further ensure the financial security by advancing supervision system in accordance with international standards and efficiency of the enforcement, so as to fight against China’s investment through channels of the Sovereignty Wealth Fund and the so-called “Paper Companies.”


1.大衛、史密斯(David Smith)著,羅耀宗譯,中國龍與印度 象:改變新世界經濟的十大威脅(臺北:知識流出版股份有限公司,2007年)。


