  • 學位論文


The Impact of Leader-member Exchange Relationship and Ethical Climate on Employees’ Service Sabotage and Job Performance: The Moderating Effect of Benefit Satisfaction in Service Industry

指導教授 : 洪英正


領導者對於下屬的表現佔有相當重大的影響效果。House, Hartog, Hanges, and Ruiz(1999)提到領導是指領導者透過自己的能力,並且影響員工,讓員工可以有效率地努力達到目標。在工作場所中組織賦予領導者支配的角色使得領導成為一個主要的情境因素,如此一來將會影響員工績效的表現。企業倫理和企業的經營管理的關係,日益密切。Schneider (1975) 認為「倫理氣候」指的是組織員工在實際執行企業內部相關的倫理標準行為,以及推行公司政策的步驟與程序上,具有主觀經驗與共同認知。其中有關企業內部的倫理氣候如何影響組織成員行為,進而對企業營運績效產生衝擊,也是近年學者所逐漸重視的議題。 Harris and Ogbonna (2002, 2006)指出在面對許多內在和外在的因素,都有可能造成服務人員違背組織企業所訂定的準則與規範,私下或公開性的蓄意破壞或干擾其服務傳遞過程。本研究觀察到一個現象,以往的研究大部分是針對第一線工作人員與顧客的互動來分析,因此將加入主從交換關係與倫理氣候兩個組織內部因素,並以員工對公司的福利滿意度來當作調節因素,找出其在主從交換關係、倫理氣候對服務破壞影響上之調節作用。 本研究探討在員工對公司的福利滿意度在主從交換關係及倫理氣候對服務破壞間之影響,以提供企業在降低員工服務破壞行為之建議。 本研究根據理論基礎建立研究架構與假設,採取便利抽樣與滾雪球抽樣進行問卷調查,共回收 157 份有效問卷,經由迴歸分析、層級迴歸分析 和變異數分析等統計方法來驗證各研究假設,研究結果顯示如下: 1. 主從交換關係對服務破壞無顯著負向影響。 2. 倫理氣候對服務破壞有顯著負向影響。 3. 服務破壞在主從交換關係對工作績效間無中介效果。 4. 服務破壞在倫理氣候對工作績效間有部分中介效果。 關鍵字:主從交換關係、倫理氣候、服務破壞、福利滿意度、工作績效


As leader plays a key role in the employee performance. House, Hartog, Hanges and Ruiz(1999) in-dicated that leadership means leader affects his employees through their abilities, so that employees can efficiently reaching their goals. Organization empowers leaders a dominating role in the workplace. It makes leadership a major situational factor which results in better employee’s performance. For now re-lationship between enterprise ethics and enterprise management has become closer. Schneider (1975) indicated that "ethical climate" refers to employees in the practical implementation of relevant ethical standards within the enterprise, as well as on the steps and procedures of implementing company poli-cies, with subjective experiences and common knowledge. Ethical climate affects corporate internal or-ganization members and enterprise performance, and in recent years has the growing importance of topics. Harris and Ogbonna (2002, 2006) point out that facing of many external and internal factors what are likely to cause the employees breach of the enterprise standards and norms, private or public acts of sabotage or interfere with the service delivery process. This study observed a phenomenon, in the past most of the research is aimed at analyzing front-line staff’s interactions, so we will join the leader-ship-member-exchange and ethical climate as the two organizations internal factor, and employee bene-fit satisfaction as the moderating variable, and try to find the leader-member- exchange、ethics climate on the impact of the service sabotage. This study investigated the moderating effect of employee benefit satisfaction on the influence of the service sabotage by leader-member- exchange and ethical climate impact, and by the result to pro-vide enterprises in reducing staff rigged behaviors. This paper set up the conceptual framework and hypotheses based on the theory and used conven-ience sampling and snowball sampling method. There are 157 valid questionnaires are return totally. By implementing the regression analysis, hierarchical regression and one way ANOVA to verify each hy-pothesis. The results of this study can be concluded as the following: 1. There is no negative significant influence on service sabotage by leader-member-exchange. 2. There is negative significant influence on service sabotage by ethical climate. 3. There is no significant mediating effect of service sabotage on the influence coming from lead-er-member-exchange to job performance. 4. There is a partial mediating effect of Service sabotage on the influence coming from ethics climate to job performance 5. There is no moderating effect of benefit satisfaction on the influence coming from lead-er-member-exchange and ethical climate to service sabotage. The results confirmed that the service sabotage got partial mediating effects, which means that en-terprises can reduce the staff vandalism by strengthening ethical climate.


林南耀 (2008)。PZB品質模式與顧客滿意度實證研究-大型診斷醫療設備售後服務為例。成功大學經營管理研究所碩士論文。
