  • 學位論文


The study on the development of military professionalism in the Republic of China(1949-2016): theory and practice

指導教授 : 翁明賢


軍事專業主義(Military Professionalism)攸關國家安全,軍人為國家安全的守護者,要堅持專業信仰,形成正向力量,運用軍事專業能力,忠於自我提出政策建議,才能成為國防軍事發展的重要憑藉。國軍從1949年來臺後,歷經政治上的轉變,已完成軍隊國家化,成為民主的捍衛力量。但軍隊國家化與民主後,如何維持軍事專業主義(Military Professionalism),並在民主社會中持續獲得認同與支持,為本研究之核心問題。 研究範圍設定於國軍來台後,於1949-2016年間,已完成執政的兩位蔣總統、李登輝、陳水扁與馬英九等時期的軍事專業主義發展,藉由社會建構主義與歷史研究途徑,以文獻分析法為主,引用公開檔案文件、專書期刊、百科全書、電子索引資料及相關學者或機構完成之問卷調查資料,進行分析研究,發現當前我國軍事主義發展現況與影響。期望達到建構軍事專業主義分析架構、探討民主政治發展前後之軍事專業主義發展、發現影響軍事專業主義發展因素及檢驗軍事專業主義研究理論等研究目的。 經研究發現中西軍事專業主義內涵概同,國軍軍事專業主義內涵為:「忠於國家、守護人民、信守仁義、廉潔自持、榮譽尊嚴、團結合作、嚴守紀律、專業勇敢、負責盡職」。軍事專業主義會受戰略環境、社會變遷與國軍傳統文化等外在與內在因素影響,相關影響不會消失,會持續挑戰國軍軍事專主義發展。故國軍在民主社會中,必須認清民主政治與軍隊國家化無法保證軍事專業主義發展、文武關係與文人領軍是目標而非準繩,只有發揮軍事專業才能獲得社會支持,只有體認軍事倫理真諦方能有利軍事專業主義發揮,並要積極建構支持軍事之社會共有知識,使社會支持軍人以軍事專業從事軍事發展,成為國家安全的守衛者。


National security depends on Military professionalism. Soldiers are the guardians of national security. Only by adhering to professional beliefs, forming positive forces, using military professional capabilities, and being truthful to themselves to make policy recommendations can they become an important basis for national defense and military development. After the R.O.C. Armed Forces came to Taiwan in 1949, it has undergone political changes and has completed the nationalization of the military, becoming a defender of democracy. However, after being nationalized and democratic, how to maintain military professionalism and continue to gain recognition and support in a democratic society is the core issue of this study. The research scope is set between 1949 and 2016, the period from the arrival of the R.O.C. Armed Forces to Taiwan to the nationalization of the military. The military professionalism has been developed through the two presidents Chiang, Lee Teng-hui, Chen Shui-bian and Ma Ying-jeou. Through the approaches of social constructivism and historical research, the study is mainly based on the literature analysis method, citing public archives, special books and periodicals, encyclopedias, electronic index data, and questionnaire survey data completed by relevant scholars or institutions to conduct analysis and research, and discovers the current development status and impact of militarism in my country. It is expected to achieve research purposes such as constructing an analytical framework for military professionalism, exploring the development of military professionalism before and after democratic development, discovering factors affecting the development of military professionalism, exploring, and viewing military professionalism research theories. After research, it was found that the connotations of military professionalism in the Chinese and Western cultures are similar. The connotations of military professionalism in the R.O.C. Armed Forces are: "loyal to the country, protecting the people, abiding by benevolence and righteousness, honesty and self-restraint, honor and dignity, unity and cooperation, strict discipline, professionalism and bravery, responsibility and due diligence." Military professionalism will be affected by external and internal factors such as the strategic environment, social changes, and the traditional culture of R.O.C. Armed Forces. The relevant influences will not disappear, and will continue to challenge the development of military professionalism in the R.O.C. Armed Forces. Therefore, in a democratic society, the R.O.C. Armed Forces must recognize that democratic politics and military nationalization cannot guarantee the development of military professionalism and that civil-military relations and civilian control of the military are goals rather than criteria. Only by exerting military expertise can social support be obtained, and only by realizing the true meaning of military ethics can the military give full play. The development of military professionalism can only be facilitated by actively building social supportive knowledge that enables the military personnel to use military professionalism for military development and to become the defender for national security.


