  • 學位論文


The Gap of Citizen Participation: The Case of Jian-Chen Roundabout

指導教授 : 陳恆鈞


本研究以建成圓環為例,藉以探討公民參與落差對政策之影響。在建成圓環改造過程中,政府皆依法召開說明會與公民(業者、當地居民)進行資訊與意見交流,俾能產生綜效並落實眾人所關注之政策,但是建成圓環改造政策最後仍以失敗收場,因此引發筆者探究何以公民在參與的過程中難以接近相關資訊?政府的協調能力不足,進而導致回應性低?這中間的參與落差係如何產生,以及因應之道為何,將是本研究的重心。 本文採質性研究途徑,希望透過文獻分析與深度訪談的方式,以了解參與者對於該政策之看法,以釐清參與落差發生的問題所在。而據以本研究之分析:政府自主性與商議能力、說明會參與制度、建築者理念以及公民的能力與心態皆是造成參與落差發生之原因。 而研究結果顯示:1.依法行政之精神將會限縮政府商議能力,進而導致政府僅是完成程序面的商議,無法擴及參與的深度與廣度;2.說明會之參與無法落實公共參與之精神,由於在說明會的參與管道中,政府僅是告知民眾與徵詢民眾意見,但是卻無法正視與回應民眾之建議;3.專家決策無法體認公民參與之重要性,政府與建築團隊之理念主導整個改建政策的方向,因此導致其無法確實回應民眾的需求、期待;4.公民參與治理能力有待提升,在建成圓環再造政策中,由於公民因專業能力的欠缺以及心態問題,導致無法有效提升自我治理的能力,因而影響參與的品質,並造成參與落差之發生。


Citizen participation has been mandated in many public policies and programs. Citizens have been involved more directly into administrative practice. According to this comment about citizen participation, that provoke author to study the policy of Jian-Chen Roundabout in Taipei City. Jian-Chen Roundabout is a landmark in Taipei City, so it is an interesting policy for citizens. The participation process includes many participants, civil servants, citizens, and architects. Taipei City Government convenes the public meeting with the rule of law. However, it is regretful that policy cannot be succeeded. Therefore, the author wants to study how participation gap happened in public meeting, the amount of information available, the deliberation of government is not enough, so that result in low response or the decision of government to include the opinion of the citizens is not enough. In implementing the study, the author conducted documentary analysis and in-depth interview with major participants. According to the research result, the author points out four reasons that make participation gap happen: the autonomy and deliberation of government, the institutionalization of public meeting, architects’ ideal and the capability and attitude of citizens. The research finding in terms of participation gap can be summarized as follows: the spirit of rule of law that limited the deliberation of government, so that government cannot do well, the institutionalization of public meeting need to promote the substance meaning, technocracy cannot be appreciated the importance of citizen participation, and the capability of participatory governance of citizens need to upgrade.


