  • 學位論文


Design and Implementation of Daily Reporting by Using Chinese Opinion Mining System

指導教授 : 蔣璿東


相關研究指出,網路的文章(含新聞和意見)會對公司或事件的口碑造成一定 程度的影響;故已有許多公司和政府單位會利用日報系統來查看網路上的各種評 論文章,希望能及時回覆和平衡相關的負面評價。就實際訪談結果發現:使用者對 目前日報系統感到最大的問題:目前台灣市面上使用的中文意見探勘系統大都屬於 document-level 的系統,但此類系統除了很難應用多面向口碑分析,導致有些功能無法使用外;在查看網友評論文章的主旨和評價時亦很難滿足使用者的需求。 此計畫將對上述問題作探討:結合發展出的aspect-level 中文意見探勘系統技術於日報系統中,增加多面向口碑分析的正確率和回收率。其結果不但可縮短使用 者閱讀的時間,同時亦可結合視覺化圖表工具增加使用者對結果的易讀性;並且 透過結果與圖表並用,可新增新功能來強化現有日報系統來滿足使用者的需求, 本研究將對這些新功能做說明。


Related studies indicate that articles (include news and opinions) on the internet have significant influence to WOM (word of mouth) of the company or event, as a matter of fact, company and government start using daily report system to follow up with variety of articles. Therefore, they can immediately reply and mitigate some negative reviews. The result of the user trail test is that the users were having issue with analyzing WOM and may receive unwanted search results. Another issue is the search function is lacking more accurate search options. The Aspect-Level Chinese Opinion System from the previous project was combined with related search article function to create a new daily report system. The new system can not only help the users digest information more efficiently but also combined data visualization and results of related articles. The new system can also follow up with event/response tracking and analytical event summary.


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