  • 學位論文


When home is no longer a secure base: A narrative research on hikikomori of Taiwanese young adults

指導教授 : 宋鴻燕


本研究透過質性研究中的敘說研究取向,藉由深入訪談兩位曾經具有家裡蹲(繭居)經驗且年齡範圍為18至30歲年輕男性,旨在探究家裡蹲(繭居)年輕人主觀生命故事及其文化意涵、遭逢現今精神醫療病理化處遇之經驗,以及他們如何建構自己生命的意義。期望以家裡蹲(繭居)當事人敘說自己的生命故事,讓社會大眾與相關助人工作者貼近他們的社會文化處境,讓他人能給予其空間,而不是繼續複製壓迫與汙名。 研究結果以敘說分析之「整體─內容」呈現,綜合結果發現可以整理為四個主要面向:一、權威性孝道為主的家庭互動關係,讓年輕人怯於與人吐露心聲,也無法從家庭互動中學習到人際互動技巧,進而形塑人際疏離的基調,讓他們在面對挫折時,選擇封閉自我、與社會隔絕。二、以升學與成就主義的台灣社會,過度強調學業表現與高薪的工作價值觀,而忽略年輕人的人際需求,並且受制於表面的成績與表現的,讓年輕人難以建立穩固的自我認定,產生對於生活迷茫且裹足不前的生命狀態。三、社會上對於家裡蹲年輕人標籤化的漠視與不理解,一方面讓他們承受社會壓力,進而對自己產生負面評價,另一方面,因社會大眾普遍的不理解,而強勢逼迫他們接受主流的社會期待,會侷限他們對於自己的認知,並且在根本上否定家裡蹲此一生活方式的生存價值,讓他們痛苦不已。四、現有的精神醫療與專業心理助人資源無法有效幫助家裡蹲年輕人,因為過度病理化、去脈絡化(尤其是對於社會文化的敏感度)、以藥物治療為主的處遇、缺乏專業倫理等原因,延宕其復原歷程,或造成他們接受治療後沒有助益,甚至造成二度傷害的情況。 最後,本研究根據研究結果提出與具有家裡蹲(繭居)經驗之年輕人相處之他人,不管是相關助人工作者、家人朋友抑或是一般社會大眾及未來研究方向之建議。


This study employs the narrative approach, qualitative research. Two young males aged between 18 and 30 who have experienced with Hikikomori, social withdrawal are in depth interviewed. This study aims to explore (1) their subjective life stories and their cultural implications; (2) their experiences encountering today’s psychiatrically pathological treatment; (3) their ways how to construct the significance of their own lives.It is hoped that their life stories told by themselves can inspire the public and the professional helpers so as to further understand their social and cultural situation. Besides, they can be given more room instead of being depressed and stigmatized repeatedly. The results of the study are presented in terms of the “holistic-content” of the narrative analysis. The findings can be categorized into four aspects. First, the authoritative filial piety-based family interaction make young adults fear to tell what they think on their mind and they can not learn the skills of interpersonal interactions from the family. They tend to shape the tone of social-isolation, which makes them choose to isolate themselves from society while facing frustration. Second, the Taiwanese society overemphasizes the idea of high pay with high degrees, which ignores the interpersonal needs of young adults. Young adults are subject to pursue better academic performances and achievements. Young adults are hard to establish a stable self-identification and in a kind of life situation which is getting lost and unsettled. Third, the social indifference to and the misunderstanding of Hikikomori young adults being labelled make them bear social pressure and further cause them negatively to evaluate themselves on one hand. Due to the prevalent public misunderstanding, they are forced to accept social maninstream expectations on the other hand. That constrains them to identify themselves, and fundamentally to deny the survival value of social withdraw life style. As a result, the Hikikomori young adults are suffering from this situation. Fourth, contemporary mental health care and professional psychological support resources cannot effectively help Hikikomori young adults. Due to excessive pathology, de-contextualization (especially sensitivity to culture factor), drug-based treatment, lack of professional ethics, they are treated but not cured. Some of them are delayed the recovery process. Others are even led to second degree mentally hurt. Finally, based on the results of the above studies, the researcher has proposed suggestions for Taiwanese young people, professional helpers, companions, as well as future studies.


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