  • 學位論文


The Impact of Interavtive Experience and Sales Channel on Purchase Intention of Children Toys

指導教授 : 蔡政言


人自出生接觸這世界的開始,就踏上了需經過歷練累加之多階段的演變成長之路,而在兒童的成長過程中,玩具是生活遊戲中不可或缺之物。隨著消費型態的轉變,消費的象徵已不只是滿足消費者的基本需求,更為從過程中獲取經驗與回憶,創造自我風格與生活價值。對於兒童玩具的選購亦是如此,隨著時代的轉變,消費者從滿足兒童的慾望及需求為目的,演變成同時期望從購買兒童玩具的經驗中與自我內心產生快樂、正向的連結,創造良好的互動價值。 本研究以互動、體驗與不同通路的涉入是否影響消費者選購兒童玩具時的購買決策為基礎,進一步探討互動體驗及銷售通路是否為直接影響購買意願之主要因素。本研究使用IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0套裝軟體進行資料分析與驗證,以敘述性統計分析、信效度分析、因素分析、迴歸分析,共四項分析統計進行檢測。正式問卷以網路問卷的行式進行抽樣,共回收383份問卷樣本,其中45份問卷樣本為無效問卷,剩餘的338份為有效問卷樣本。研究結果如下: 一、互動體驗對消費者的銷售通路知覺有正向影響。 二、互動體驗對消費者的購買意願有正向影響。 三、銷售通路對消費者的購買意願有正向影響。


Toys play a major role throughout each step of children learning development. With the change of consumer behavior, consumer purchases not only satisfy the needs, but also pursue a living style, achieve a personal experience and build memories. As well as the purchase of children toys, changes from meet the needs and children’s wants, become to create the positive connections with inner self and emotions that last for lifetime through the purchase experiences. This study researched the relationship between interactive, experiences, sales channel and purchase intention on children toys, especially explored the effectiveness of interactive experience and sales channel to the purchase intention. The study applied IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0 software for date analysis, included descriptive statistics analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and regression analysis. An online-survey was used for data collection. A total of 383 questionnaires were collected, 45 of them were invalid, and the rest of 338 valid questionnaires were analyzed. The result of the study as follow: 1.Interactive experience has a significant positive influence on consumer’s perception on sales channel. 2.Interactive experience has a significant positive influence on consumer’s purchase intention. 3.Sales channel has a significant positive influence on consumer’s purchase intention.


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