  • 學位論文


After CCP reform and open policy about dialectical thought(1979-1992)

指導教授 : 趙春山


本論文以「中共改革開放後的左右辯證思維(1979-1992)為題,主要是在探討1979年到1992年這14年當中,中共在路線上對於左和右的爭議,嘗試從辯證法的角度來加以分析,希望能以正、反、合的概念來看待中共內部矛盾衝突,及最後產生的妥協結果。 本論文全文為五章,在整體結構上主要由四個部分所共同組成: 第一部分在於探討改革開放後產生的左右爭議,首先分析中共的純粹與實踐的意識形態,再從十一屆三中全會以來的有限制的開放與擴大發展經濟的不同調來說明改革開放與堅持四項基本原則的辯證思維。 第二部分著重在「中國特色的社會主義」,除了是從中共十二大到十三大逐步完善的理論論述外,中共也用中國特色的社會主義做為左右辯證後的結果,這一點可以從十三大提出的基本路線:「一個中心、兩個基本點」中看出。 第三部分集中在鄧小平1992年的南巡講話,其目的是在解決社會上產生的姓資姓社爭論,並提倡進一步擴大改革開放;而鄧小平南巡講話時提出的「防左惕右」,最終則是做為左右爭論的定調。 第四部分為結論,以正、反、合的辯證法進行本論文的研究後,得出了三個結論: 1.所有的「合」都是來自於妥協 2.中共在意識形態上,是用新的詞彙包裝既有且堅持的部分 3.妥協與堅持,構成了「中共改革開放後的左右辯證思維」


The present paper after “the CCP reform and open policy's about dialectical thought (1979-1992)”as a topic, was mainly in discusses 1979 to 1992 this 14 years, CCP in route regarding left and right dispute, attempted comes from the diagnostic method angle to analyze, hoped that could by the thesis, antithesis, synthesis regard the CCP internal contradictions conflict, and produced finally compromise result. Textually divided into five chapters, the dissertation actually comprises four main parts : Part one discusses the meaning of right and left political football after China’s opening and reforming. Firstly analyze CCP pure ideology and practical ideology.Has had the limit opening and the expansion develop economy again since 11 Third Session aperiodic explained that the reform and open policy with insists the Four Fundamental Principles the dialectical thoughts. The second part in “Chinese characteristic's socialism”, besides is emphatically from the CCP 12th National People's Congress g to the theory elaboration which 13th big consummate gradually, the CCP also uses the Chinese characteristic socialism to do after about dialectical result, this point may from the basic line which 13th loudly proposed: “a center, two fundamental points” The third part concentrated in Deng Xiaoping 1992 southern tour speech, its goal was the surname capital surname society argument which produced in the solution society, and advocated that further expanded the reform and open policy; But time Deng Xiaoping southern tour speech proposes “against left cautious right”, finally makes tuning which argued for about. The fourth part is a thesis, antithesis, synthesis the diagnostic method which carries on the present paper the research, has drawn three conclusions 1. All “synthesis” is comes from the compromise 2. The CCP in the ideology, is the part which already has with the new glossary packing and insisted 3. The compromise with insisted that after constituting “the CCP reform and open policy about dialectical thought”


7 黎安友(Andrew J. Nathan)著,柯洛漪譯,蛻變中的中國(台北:麥田出版:城邦文化發行,2000年)
1 Schurmann , Franz Ideology and Organization in Communist China, Berkeley , Cal . : University of California Press,1968
2 Sun , Yan Ideology and the Demise or Maintenance of Soviet-type Regimes—Perspectives on the Chinese China in Communist and Post – Communist Studies , Vol . 28 , No. 3.
