  • 學位論文


A Study of University Ventures in Japan

指導教授 : 任燿廷


在知識經濟時代的現今,大學風險企業(University Ventures)此種新型態的產學合作模式之所以會產生,其主要目的就是希望能作為「知識創造據點」的大學,以及「知識活用據點」的產業界之間的「傳遞橋樑」。將大學內所創出的卓越創新技術種子,有效地轉化為符合社會期待並能有所貢獻之新商品與新服務,甚至是新市場及新產業領域的創出。藉由如此新事業的創出、推進與成長的持續循環,為產業界不斷地實現創新,進而提昇國家產業的國際競爭力並維繫國家經濟的繁榮。 事實上,從1980年代起,大學風險企業的創出與發展模式,就先後於美國乃至於歐洲先進各國,為其大學研究活動的促進、地區經濟的活絡甚至是國家整體經濟的提昇等方面,帶來許多正面的價值與貢獻。受到此外部契機的影響,1990年代後半起,日本也開始積極地對國內舊有的產官學合作體制進行一番徹底的改革。就在「大學等技術移轉促進法」、「產業活力再生特別措施法」、「大學風險企業3年1000間計畫」、「國立大學法人法」等,與促進大學風險企業創出相關之產官學合作政策的相繼確立下,日本大學風險企業的總數也猶如雨後春筍般開始呈現大幅度的倍增。而隨之所帶來的經濟效益及就業機會的提昇,也確實為泡沫經濟破滅後,長期低迷的日本經濟社會注入了一股全新的活力。 然而,雖然在企業創出數量的表現上,日本大學風險企業已有相當幅度的成長。但是,就創業後新事業的實質推進與成長的腳步而言,現今日本大學風險企業從創業初期所進行的研究開發,乃至於至事業發展階段的企業管理及經營上,卻仍存在著相當多棘手的障礙及課題,因而導致推進與成長之速度仍是顯得相對緩慢。有鑑於此,今後日本全體大學風險企業的發展,如何從現今「量」的創出有效轉變為「質」的提昇,正是本研究最主要的探討重點。


In the knowledge based economic era, the goal of university ventures, the new model of industry-university collaboration, is to bridge the knowledge between university and the industry in order to facilitate innovative technology seeds that created from university into innovative products and services even new industry. Furthermore, this kind of circulation may stimulate new industry to fulfill the ultimate goal- innovation as well as enhance a country’s competiveness in global market and sustain its prosperity. In fact, since 1980s’, the development of university ventures which established in the United States and some developed countries in Europe has activated their research activities, regional economic and domestic economy. Based on such environment, Japanese Government has begun a significant reformation of their old industry -government-university collaboration systems from late 1990s’. While the establishment of industry-government-university collaboration policy such as “Act on the Promotion of Technology Transfer from Universities to Private Business Operators”, “Act on Special Measures for Industrial Revitalization”, “Three-Year, 1,000 University Ventures Plan”, and “Act on National University Corporation” the number of university ventures in Japan substantially increased. Accompanying by these increasing quantities, economic effects and job opportunities are largely increased, and this injected a brand new energy into Japan society during economic recession period after the bubble economy. In conclusion, the number of university ventures in Japan has already grown, but the development of its growth has progressed slowly. As a whole, there are still many obstacles to be resolved. Thus, university ventures in Japan should be focused on enhancing its “quality” rather than its “quantity” from now on which is also this research paper mainly about.


1.Allen, T.J. (1984) Managing the Flow of Technology: Technology Transfer and the Dissemination of Technological Information within the R&D Organization, Cambridge, MA: M.I.T. Press.
2.AUTM (2006) AUTM U.S. Licensing Activity Survey: FY2005, Northbrook, IL: Association of University Technology Managers.
3.AUTM (2002), AUTM Licensing Survey: FY 2001, Northbrook, IL: Association of University Technology Managers.
5.AUTM (2008) AUTM U.S. Licensing Activity Survey: FY2007, Northbrook, IL: Association of University Technology Managers.

