  • 學位論文


Mechanical property of a helical filament -in terms of supercoiling degree

指導教授 : 周子聰


我們利用歐拉角(Euler angle),推導出一根具有自發曲率和自發扭曲率之等向性彎曲剛度的均勻彈性桿,在受到單軸力下,其形狀所滿足的方程式,並且研究長細螺旋桿在外力拉伸下的彈性性質與穩定性。我們發現,當使用超螺旋度作為獨立變數時,在拉伸螺旋桿的過程中沒有發生伸長跳躍的現象。這結果意味著用超螺旋度作為獨立變數時,螺旋桿的彈性性質完全不同於用外力矩作為獨立變數時的彈性性質。我們也發現大的負超螺旋度值會使螺旋桿不穩定。


We derive the shape equations in terms of Euler angles for an uniform elastic rod with isotropic bending rigidity and spontaneous curvature and spontaneous twist rate. We study the elasticity and stability of a helical filament under uniaxial force. We find that there is no sharp transition for the extention of a helix when using supercoiling degree as an independent variable. This result suggests that the elastic response of a helical filament using the supercoiling degree as independent variable must be quite different from using the torque as independent variable. We also find that a large negative supercoiling degree tends to destabilize the helical filament.


【1】A.E.H. Love, A Treatise on the Mathematical Theory of Elasticity (1994)
【2】L.D. Landau and E.M. Lifshitz, Theory of Elasticity, 3rd ed.(1986).
【4】M.S. Dresselhaus, Nature (London) 3548, 195 (1992).
【5】X.B. Zhang, Europhys. Lett. 27, 141 (1994).
【8】A.F. da Fonseca, and D.S. Galvao, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 175502 (2004).
