  • 學位論文


The Study on Goryeo's Policies and Backgrounds About Books from Imperial China

指導教授 : 吳哲夫


韓半島三面環海,北方又面臨諸強國持續不斷挑釁爭鬥;治理韓半島500餘年之高麗,為了集合初期協力建國的豪族勢力,確立佛教為國策,努力穩定民心。自第四代王光宗開始實行科舉,將儒教定為施政方針,選用新的人才,奠立王權政治。隨著宋之建國,五代十國時期結束,高麗反而在契丹與宋之敏感外交對立狀態中確立了自己的地位,成功展開身為主權國家以國家利益為先的外交政治;因此高麗不僅能夠自宋,也從契丹輸入許多書籍與文物,同時在自己國內也孕育出新的文化。 高麗這個半島國家,面對情勢遽變的周圍列強環伺,為了國家利益實行因時制宜的外交政策,個人認為足以成為因應現代國際情勢很好的典範。 隨著時代變化,國號會變更,政局會產生變化;人會變,思想也會變;然而,土地仍然還是在原地不變。即使周圍國家有許多變化,還有不變的是,國家仍要為了自身國家利益與繁榮,持續不斷選定外交路線與政策,並在國際社會中尋找定位。 國與國之間沒有永遠的朋友,也沒有永遠的敵人,這是在歷史上已被證明的事實。因此,研究面對當時急遽變化的國際情勢以及危機,高麗所採取的政治立場以及對策,會有很大的意義。同時,本論文會再次回顧在許多人類的文化遺產當中,書籍具有的歷史重要性,也可以對於因科學技術急速發展,逐漸產生變化的書誌出版做再次省思。 本論文分為五章,各章要旨如下: 第一章〈緒論〉:闡述本論文之研究動機與目的,並說明研究之範圍與參考文獻、引用原文之網站介紹。 第二章〈高麗輸入中國書籍情況〉:以高麗前後期政治主流思想之佛教與儒教為主軸,分別闡述佛書與儒書之蒐集情況,並探究其傳入之意義與影響;同時針對其他實用性書籍之蒐集情況做整理。 第三章〈高麗本之圖書輸出情況〉:探討高麗自中國輸入書籍後,再輸出至周邊國家之文化橋樑角色,並闡明在當時之外交關係下圖書文獻交流之意義。 第四章〈高麗王朝書籍管理政策〉:探究高麗輸入中國書籍之時代背景與政策,闡述蒐集成果、管理方式與機構。 第五章〈結論〉:透過本論文之研究,除窺見當時高麗之圖書文獻交流樣貌,也得知書誌學與政治、外交、思想等息息相關;印證至現代社會,也發現其微妙之共通點與相似處;文獻學之研究能鑑古推今,期許本論文能對中、韓圖書文獻交流之研究有些許助益。


高麗朝 宋朝 遼朝 元朝 中國 書籍政策


Korea Peninsula has been surrounded by the sea and the North faced various powers which have been acted provocations. Goryeo governed Korea Peninsula more than 500 years and has gathered the influences of building country in an initial period to confirm Buddhism as the state policy and also tried to maintain social stability. From the fourth King Gwangjong, the imperial examination system started to be held and Confucianism was formulated as government policy to enroll new and well talented people, so that Goryeo could lay down for monarchy. With the founding of Song Dynasty, came the end of Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, but the relationships between Song Dynasty and Great Khitan Country were sensitive and oppositional, Goryeo was sure to establish her status instead. As a sovereignty state and the overall interests of the state, Goryeo has extended her diplomacy successfully. It’s the reason that Goryeo could import a large quantity of books and historical relics not only from Song Dynasty but aslo Great Khitan Country, meanwhile she gave birth to new culture in the country. Goryeo as Peninsula surrounded by powers faced these changeable international relations, for her national interests she has acted an expedient policy, I also think it could become a good model to for Modern international situation. With the generation changed, name of country changed, made the political situation a difference. People changed and mind was changed, too. However, the land is still there, the same place. The neighbouring countries are keeping changing, there is nothing more certain which the state should select diplomatic routes and policies continuously for her interest and flourish to find her position in an international community. A country has no permanent friends, nor permanent enemies, it has already been proved in history. Therefore, to figure out the changeable international relations and crisis at that time, the political standpoints and countermeasures taken by Goryeo means a lot. This thesis is going to review once again how historical significance the books among lots of cultural heritages of humanity. Because of rapid development of science and technology, to face the publishing has been changed gradually, we people have to introspect and take an action.


沈海波〈北宋初年天台教籍重歸中土的史實〉《中華佛學研究》第四期,2000.03. pp.187-205.
《三國遺事》,ㄧ燃著 ; 崔起潼校正,京都帝國大學文學部,1921
《新編諸宗敎藏總錄》, 義天編 ; 末松保和 校, 京城: 末松保和, 1933
