  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study of Why Brand Community Members Had Anti-Brand Critiques To the Brand in Facebook Social Network

指導教授 : 黃哲盛


自2004年臉書Facebook推出後,便風靡全球,Web2.0的使用者自定義內容與社群媒體的興盛發展,讓各個品牌也開始進駐在虛擬的世界中打響名號,消費者湧入自己喜愛的品牌社群參與討論、分享活動來支持品牌。但是當品牌企業辜負了消費者的期望,諸如產品效能不彰或承諾未能兌現,憤怒的消費者也會在品牌社群中留言抱怨表達不滿,究竟消費者因何故產生反品牌的言論?又什麼樣的內容算得上是反品牌呢?本研究以文字探勘的方式蒐集2015年三家品牌社群的留言內容,並採內容分析法的方式過濾具有代表性的討論,試圖找出品牌社群中反品牌的脈絡。 研究結果發現,消費者會有反品牌評論是因為產品失敗無法滿足消費者的需求,程序不公平與分配不公平使得產品或服務未能如期到達消費者端,而服務補救失敗更讓消費者和品牌廠商的互動及信任惡化。在品牌社群裡的反品牌留言詞語之研究,以情緒性的單詞用語最能突破產業的限制,否則就得依照產業類別的不同調整單詞的組合才能判斷留言是否屬於反品牌。本研究於最後提出學術貢獻與商業實務意涵,望能做為未來理論研究之建構觀點。


The Facebook has been popular all over the world since 2004, by concepts of Web2.0, users can generate their contents and share opinions easily. In order to promote products, the brand company found a brand community in social media. Though there are many consumers gathering around the community to discuss the products or services, it also brings consumers who become unsatisfied with the brand. People who show anger and disappointment in the community believe that the brand company had failed their hope, because the products or services might not be as good as the company had promised. And these consumer will create a lot of negative comments about the brands. What is the reason that consumer shows resent and leaving negative reviews. What is the definition of negative comments, both need to be clarified. In this paper, first of all, we use the text mining software NodeXL to collect the comments of the wall of Facebook in 2015 from 3 brand communities. Secondly we adopt content analysis to focus on some negative comments. Finally, we combine the data to discuss the reason and definition of anti-brand comments. Conclusions of this paper are summarized as following: 1. According to the data collected, the reasons why consumers leave negative comments are product failures, injustice or lack of fairness and time losses. Such incidents deteriorate the relationships between consumers and brands, which will lead the consumers to create anti-brand comments. 2. According to the data collected, the definition of anti-brand comments mostly depends on the negative emotional words, on the other hand, the neutral nouns and adjective is associated with the category of brands, it can be inferred as significant word or vocabulary for text mining anti-brand comment, too.


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