  • 學位論文


Differentiated Instruction Using Digital Game-based Learning on Chinese Teaching in Junior High School

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究旨在探討差異化數位遊戲式學習對國中學生國文學習成效與學習態度之影響。採用差異化教學設計,並以數位遊戲式平台融入其中一班為實驗組,另一班對照組則以紙本學習單方式教學。同時探討兩組對低中高學生在學習成效及學習態度的改變情形。本研究採準實驗設計,以台北市某國中兩班44位八年級學生為研究對象,兩班程度相當。教材為國中國文課程八年級下學期課程:〈為學一首示子姪〉〈來到部落的文明〉〈空城計〉三單元。實驗組使用PaGamO數位遊戲式平台及平板電腦進行差異化數位遊戲式學習。研究工具為「自編國文科學習成就測驗」、「國中學生國文學習態度量表」,於教學前後進行施測。資料分析以「成對樣本t檢定」、「獨立樣本t檢定」、「單因子共變數分析」、「雙因子共變數分析」及「無母數檢定」來比較實驗前後之差異。本研究結論為:一. 兩種差異化教學在學習成效上,實驗組(t=10.7,p<.001,d=1.52)與對照組(t=11.93,p<.001,d=1.26)皆具有顯著性提升。以實驗組的成效較佳。二、兩種差異化教學在學習態度上,實驗組與對照組皆無顯著提升。三、低成就學生使用數位遊戲式學習相對於紙本學習單模式在學習成效有顯著差異(F=11.39,p<.001, ηp2=.23;在學習態度上則無顯著差異。當前政府大力推動補救教學之際,差異化教學藉由遊戲化學習歷程,可提供教師作為低成就學生補救教學之參考。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of differentiated instruction involving digital game-based learning on the Chinese learning attitudes and outcomes of junior high students. The experimental group comprised a class using digital game-based learning, whereas the control group comprised a class using conventional learning methods involving worksheet. We also investigated the effects of the two teaching methods on the learning attitudes and outcomes of low-, mid-, and high-achieving students.The study applied a quasi-experimental design, and the participants were 90 public junior high school students with similar academic performance and in two classes (45 students each) in Taipei City. The teaching material was designed for the second-semester Chinese course in the eighth grade. Three units were included: “A Piece on Study for Sons and Nephews,” “Cultures that Came to the Tribes,” and “Empty Fort Strategy.” Differentiated instruction was administered to the experimental group using the PaGamO digital game platform and tablets. Research tools were a self-administered achievement test for determining Chinese learning outcomes and a scale for evaluating the Chinese learning attitudes of junior high school students; the students underwent the test before and after teaching. A paired-sample t test and independent-samples t test ,one way ANOVA,two way ANOVA and Nonparametric Statistics were used to analyze data and determine differences in attitudes and outcomes before and after the experiment. The study findings are listed as follows. The two teaching methods led to improved learning outcomes in the experimental group (t = 10.7, p < .001,d=1.52) and control group (t = 11.93, p < .001,d=1.26), but the experimental group had superior learning outcomes. The two teaching methods failed to significantly improve learning attitudes in both groups. Compared with the worksheets, digital game-based learning engendered significantly superior learning outcomes (F=11.39,p<.001, ηp2=.23)in low-achieving students. but failed to significantly improve learning attitudes in low-achieving students. The Taiwanese government is now actively promoting remedial education. Differentiated instruction through gamification of learning processes serves as reference for teachers providing remedial education for low-achieving students.


2016-2020 資訊教育總藍圖(草案)。(民 105 年 3 月 1 日)
