  • 學位論文


Analysis of Disability Insurance Demand Factors:Using Bank B Sales Data as an Example

指導教授 : 田峻吉


人口高齡化及少子化所伴隨的醫療及照護需求,已是政府及民間需面對的情形。本研究目的在於透過區域銀行銷售的失能險資料,全部樣本數共為411筆資料,分析失能險的需求因素,並且探討影響民眾購買失能險之原因。實證結果分析結果如下: 1.性別因素對於失能險購買的保險金額並未造成顯著的影響,但是男性對於失能險支出保費卻顯著高於女性。 2.失能險的保險金額與年齡未呈現顯著關係;失能險的保費與年齡呈現正向顯著的關係。 3.在台北市購買失能險的保險金額與保費皆明顯高於其他地區,顯示失能險的主要購買族群集中在台灣北部地區人口,北部地區相對容易接收保險相關資訊及家庭收入相對高於其他縣市,可能是失能險銷售情況較佳之原因。 4.失能險的消費族群偏好以20年繳期為主,分析原因為長年期的失能險費率相對較低廉,保戶接受程度高。 期望本論文實證研究結果提供政府、保險公司及銀行通路在失能險訂價、商品設計與銷售之參考,以使我國私部門長照保險制度與商品更臻完善。


The medical care needs that come with the aging population and low birth rates have become a situation the government and the private sector have to face. Based on the data of disability insurance sold through regional banks, 411 sample entries in total, the purpose of this study is to analyze disability insurance demand factors and explore reasons affecting people’s disability insurance purchases. The analysis of the empirical results is as follows: 1.The gender factor does not produce significant impacts on the purchased disability insurance amount; however, men pay significantly higher disability insurance premiums compared to women. 2.Disability insurance amount and age are not significantly correlated; disability insurance premium and age show a significantly positive correlation. 3.Taipei City contributes to significantly higher purchased liability insurance amount and premiums compared to other regions. This indicates that the disability insurance population is concentrated in Northern Taiwan where people have easier access to insurance related information and have higher incomes compared to people from other counties and cities, which may account for the higher disability insurance sales. 4.The disability insurance consumer group prefers a 20-year payment term. As shown by analysis, the reason for this preference is that longer payment terms come with lower disability insurance premium rates, thus the higher acceptance among the insured. The empirical results in this paper shall serve as a reference for the government, insurance companies, and bank channels during disability insurance pricing and commodity design and sales. The intention is to perfect the long-term care insurance system of Taiwan’s private sector and its commodities.


1. 賴昆崙,2002,壽險需求實證分析---以雲嘉地區為例
2. 余祖慰,2009,壽險公司與保險經紀/代理人關係之研究
3. 王忠聖,1991,台灣地區壽險需求之研究
