  • 學位論文


An Investigation on the Areca Industry and the Tribal Developments—a Case Study of Lunpei Village

指導教授 : 鄭晃二


本研究是在探討檳榔產業與部落地景、空間、土地的發展關係,以研究者家庭背景長期種植檳榔的經驗提出此研究。並描述分析本部落產業結構演變過程,加以釐清檳榔產業屬外來產業並非即有的部落產業文化。而本研究目的先訪談部落僅存幾位的檳榔農與平地檳榔農是如何與檳榔商簽訂檳榔買賣契(合)約的,在田野調查檳榔行口作業概況及產銷流程,再詮釋本部落產業地景、空間概況、土地使用等等的,藉此研究提供相關關心此議題人士作為參考與後續研究。   本研究方法主要分為文獻收集與田野調查,文獻收集包含有關檳榔產業與部落資料,無論是圖片、圖像、手冊等等的都可做記錄保存,以備不時之需。田野調查包括調查地點、受訪人及相關事物等,事後再據實撰寫文字,將成果資料呈現參考並提供新穎知識付諸社會大眾。   種植檳榔是一門學問,除了基本的選地、整地、播種……等等的,更要懂得如何與檳榔商周漩及產銷,才有可能得到豐厚的利潤。過去至現在仍有許多檳榔農不諳檳榔市場行情,在不知情的狀況下卻得不到應有利潤。然而,檳榔產銷及檳榔行口這部份,還是有很多的檳榔農不瞭解它的作業概況流程,使得無法涉入檳榔中下游階段,所產生的問題都變成檳榔大盤商、中盤商來掌握支配,如此分工原理站在檳榔農立場自然吃虧及不太合理的,對於如何正當取得應有利潤,此課題值得後續探討研究。   本研究即基於時間因素與能力有限,將所蒐集到的資料和田野調查研究過程中的資料,重新整理過後發掘的事項與結論,分別為以下四項 1.檳榔文化與原住民文化的關聯不應產生負面的訊息知識 2.檳榔契約與土地契約內容與相關權利義務,都在部落村民的掌控之外 3.主流社會的檳榔行口制定分工細密的網絡流程,並有效掌控檳榔的銷售 4.檳榔產業地景影響了社會諸多層面及部落景觀樣貌


檳榔產業 泰雅族 原住民 檳榔農 檳榔商


This piece of research aims at investigating the developing relations between the areca industry and the tribal landscape, space, and soil. Based on the family background growing betel palms for a long time, I conduct the research as well as describe and analyze the evolution of the industrial structure of the tribe to clarify that the areca industry is indeed a foreign industry but not an indigenous industry within the tribe. I first interview the areca farmers surviving in the tribe and some areca farmers from plains about how they make the sales agreements with the dealers of betel nuts. Then, I investigate the practice of areca stalls and the procedures for the production and marketing of arecas by field work. Finally, I study the industrial landscape, the spacial profile, the land use, etc. in the tribe as references and for follow-up research for the people who care about this issue.   The research methods employed are mainly literature collection and field investigation. For literature collection, I collect information about the areca industry and our tribe. No matter the information is in picture, photograph, pamphlet, and so on, it can be kept as records for contingent use. A field investigation includes venues, interviewees and relevant items. After it is accomplished, a report will be written accordingly which presents the results to the society as references or new knowledge.   Growing betel palms is a profound knowledge. Except the basic knowledge such as soil selection and preparation and sowing, one needs to know how to negotiate with the dealers of arecas as well as how to produce and promote the products to earn munificent profits. So far, a lot of areca farmers do not know the quotations of the areca market, and they thus can not obtain due profits. In Addition, since a lot of areca farmers do not understand the practice of production and marketing as well as the operations of areca stalls, they can not enter the midstream and downstream of the areca industry, which are hence controlled by wholesalers. From areca farmers’ standpoint, such a division of labor is not reasonable and disadvantageous for them. The issue about, for betel farmers, how to obtain due profits is worth follow-up investigations and research.   Because of the limited time and capability, after going through the information collected and the data found in the field investigations, four conclusions are drawn as follows. 1.The relations between the areca and aboriginal cultures should not result in negative information. 2.The tribal villagers have no control over the contents or relevant rights and obligations of the areca contacts and the land contracts. 3.The areca stalls in the mainstream society set up a network with detailed divisions of labor and efficiently control the areca sales. 4.The landscape of the areca industry influences many social aspects and the tribal landscape.


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