  • 學位論文


Regulation of Silver Shell Growths on Gold Nanorods and Nanodumbbells

指導教授 : 鄧金培


本實驗主要以金奈米棒做為模板合成金銀核殼型奈米粒子,並且以改變金奈米棒的表面特性加以控制銀殼成長型態為主軸,做法主要分為兩種保護劑;hexadecyl trimethylammonium bromide (CTAB)在室溫下會形成橢圓形的金銀核殼形奈米粒子,而sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)並無規則性成長,但在高溫的反應下兩者皆會形成雙三角錐。另外,藉由添加cysteine可以修飾金奈米棒長軸的兩端,藉以控制銀殼生長的位置,在此方法下發現矩形會轉變為雙三角錐的型態。藉由實驗結果推測雙三角錐的成長機制;金奈米棒的位置在於雙三角錐其中一側邊角。本實驗藉由不同的修飾方法將金奈米棒或奈米啞鈴為模板做預處理,可合成出多種型態的銀殼包覆。


Au–Ag core–shell (Au@Ag) nanobars could be synthesized from gold nanorod (NR) or nanodumbbell (ND). Hexadecyl trimethylammonium Bromide (CTAB) and SDS were employed as the capping molecules. The effects of reaction temperature and chemical modification are studied. Au@Ag NPs with quasi-ellipsoidal shape can be obtained in CTAB at room temperature, but those have irregular shape in SDS. On the other hand, triangular bipyramid (TBP) NPs were found for CATB and SDS at 75 ℃. Further, silver deposition can take place at first on the pre-formed silver layers on the lateral sides at room temperature. In addition to, additive cysteine was used as an additive to modify on both the ends of the NRs. The experimental results show that the shape of NPs was changed from rectangle to TBP. Our results show that the long ends of gold NDs are in the position of the bar center and closely paralleled the shorter edge of TBP.According to the research, gold nanorod or nanodumbbell can be synthesized diversity shape with different modified.


Nano AuNRs AuDBs Au@Ag


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