  • 學位論文

狂犬病防疫危機管理之探討: 以新北市政府為例

Crisis Management on Rabies Prevention: A Case of New Taipei City Government

指導教授 : 黃一峯
共同指導教授 : 李仲彬


「危機」的發生通常有跡可循,經常源自於衝突未獲得有效解決,「危機」也時刻圍繞在我們生活的周遭,他是事件轉機與惡化的轉捩點就政府機關而言,重大危機事件發生,往往會造成人民生命財產不可預期的損失。狂犬病(Rabies)是由狂犬病病毒所引起的一種急性病毒性腦脊髓炎,所有的溫血脊椎動物都會感染。102年7月台灣野生動物鼬獾染狂犬病,疫情的發展造成民眾恐慌,如何防堵沒有犬貓流行案例及沒有本土人類病例,考驗著政府危機管理策略。 本研究先以理論探討危機和危機的特性,再依據各學者的看法,歸納出危機管理之要點,以Nunamaker(1989)等人所提出來的危機管理三階段論,將危機管理的運作區分為危機發生前的活動包括擬定應變計畫,危機的預防演練等。危機發生時的活動有建構危機小組、監測危機情境和管理資源的應用等。危機發生後的活動在主要評估管理小組各作業、復原工作及推動下一波危機管理計畫等。採用文獻分析法、深度訪談法,以新北市政府在狂犬病防疫的「危機爆發前」、「危機發生中」與「危機解決後」等三個階段為探討指標,檢視新北市政府狂犬病防疫現況及個案探討,從中歸納與研析,發現新北市政府在狂犬病防疫過程中有「犬貓狂犬病疫苗覆蓋率低」、「寵物登記制度不落實」、「家犬貓及流浪犬貓總數具爭議性」、「組織之間橫向聯繫不足」、「缺乏危機預防演練」等尚待改善學習之處,故分析歸納出「提高全民防疫警覺」、「建立高風險地區流浪動物管制體制及家犬貓調查」、「有效落實危機預警機制」、「預先建立危機溝通計畫與新聞發布準則」、「強化危機資源管理系統」等五點建議,提供新北市政府狂犬病防疫危機管理之參考,讓新北市的狂犬病防疫策略,更臻完備。


危機 危機管理 狂犬病


Crisis usually can be discovered, and usually results from inability to resolve conflicts. Crisis is everywhere around us and it is the turning point for events to get better or worse. For government organizations, significant crisis usually results in unpredictable loss of lives and properties. Rabies is a viral disease resulting in acute inflammation of the brain; it is caused by the rabies virus . All warm-blooded vertebrates are vulnerable to the disease. Ferret-badgers (a wild animal native to Taiwan) were infected with rabies in July, 2013. The spread of the disease caused widespread fear amongst Taiwan’s citizens. Currently, the challenge of preventing its spread to dogs and cats, and to humans, has been testing the government’s crisis management capability. The researd study begins with a review of the theory on crisis and the special characteristics of crisis, examining differing perspectives on crisis management. The study uses the three-stage crisis management theory proposed by Nunamaker et al. (1989), which breaks down crisis management into the pre-crisis, in-crisis and post-crisis stages. In the pre-crisis stage, the activities undertaken include the drawing up of crisis response plans, the holding of crisis response drills, etc. In-crisis stage activities include the establishment of crisis response teams, monitoring the state of the crisis, managing resource application, etc.; activities undertaken during the post-crisis stage include evaluating the performance of the crisis response teams, restoration work, and preparing for the formulation of new crisis response plans, etc. The researd study uses a review of the literature, in-depth interviews, and an examination of the performance of New Taipei City Government (formerly Taipei County Government) in Taiwan in relation to the pre-crisis, in-crisis and post-crisis stages of its response to the challenge posed by rabies, to explore the current state of the response to rabies. The study’s findings revealed a number of areas where the performance of New Taipei City Government in relation to rabies prevention could be improved, including: the percentage of dogs and cats inoculated with rabies virus is too low; the pet registration system has not been properly implemented; there is no consensus regarding the number of pet dogs and cats and the number of feral dogs and cats in New Taipei City; the horizontal linkage between government departments is inadequate; there has been a lack of crisis response drills. The study puts forward five suggestions: Efforts should be made to enhance citizens’ awareness of the importance of inoculating pet animals against rabies; in high-risk areas, a feral animal control mechanism should be put in place, together with surveys of pet dogs and cats; an effective early warning mechanism should be established; a crisis communication plan and principles governing the issuing of press releases should be put in place in advance; the crisis-related resource management system should be strengthened. These suggestions are put forward as a reference for the prevention and management of rabies by New Taipei City Government, in the hope that they will facilitate the drawing up of more comprehensive and more effective rabies prevention strategies.


Crisis Crisis Management Rabies


行政院農業委員會,衛生福利部 (2013),《狂犬病中央流行疫情指揮中心階段性報告》。
