  • 學位論文


A Study of Two Novelists’ Immigrant Novels—— Lucy Chen and Geling Yan

指導教授 : 陳大道


陳若曦(1938~)與嚴歌苓(1958~)是兩位親身經過「文化大革命」之後,在美國展開寫作新頁的華人作家。論述重點從兩位作家年齡上的差異,以及成長背景、赴美年代、身分、地位上的不同,以大學教師對留學生、家庭主婦對單身女子的條件下探討、比較兩位華人女性的作品間之異同。 關於本論主要分為三大部分來探討:第一部分簡介陳若曦與嚴歌苓兩位作家的生平以及寫作理念。第二部分從「個人」、「愛情」、「婚姻」、「家庭」出發,來看陳若曦與嚴歌苓作品中人物的比較及內在價值觀差異。第三部分則是由外在層面來看,探討「愛滋病」、「同性戀」、「美國婚姻法」對華人所造成的文化衝擊、影響。 經研究後發現,不論是從內在因素到外在條件,陳若曦與嚴歌苓兩位女性華人作家的作品有著根本性的差異,但卻都透過小說人物來讓讀者了解,在美華人所面對的遭遇、處境,也傳達出小說家們對在美華人的關懷。


This thesis studies Chinese Immigrant novels written by two novelists Lucy Chen and Geling Yan. As female realistic writers, they individually started unique new lives in the United States after the "Cultural Revolution". This study is based on the differences between their ages, the background of growth, the year staying in the United States. It particularly focuses on the social status and personal characteristic of these two novelists, Chen was a university teachers and housewife when she wrote her immigrant novels in the 80’s, Yan was a foreign students living in poverty when she wrote hers in the 90’s. This thesis divides into three parts. The first introduces the life of the two novelists, Lucy Chen and Geling Yan, separately and their distinctive writing philosophies. The second is the introspection of the protagonists depicted in their works including their "love", "life experience", "marriage" and "family". The third is the world around the protagonists when they met "AIDS", "homosexuality" and "Marriage Law" in the new content. Although there are distinguishing differences between Lucy Chen and Geling Yan 's works, the love of life and writing are the same. These two female Chinese writers not only let readers understand the new environment that Chinese immigrants might face in the USA, but also conveys personal concern through the protagonists of their novels.


Lucy Chen Geling Yan Chinese female Immigrant Novels


一、 陳若曦著作
