  • 學位論文

民眾為什麼參與公民運動? 紅衫軍運動與太陽花運動的比較分析

Why People Participate Citizen Movements? A Comparison of the Red-shirt Movement and The Sunflower Movement

指導教授 : 林聰吉


2006年的紅衫軍運動,媒體開始大量使用「公民運動」一詞,認為是公民社會中的價值重建,運動的目標不再只是監督政府、表達集體意識,更注重公民文化、公民意識等討論。2006年的紅衫軍運動及2014年的太陽花運動,在參與人數上皆超過總人口數的7%,藉此比較兩次運動的參與因素有何不同? 透過二元勝算對數分析結果,發現人口變項中,性別差異在參與兩次運動皆沒有達到顯著水準;教育程度越高者越傾向參與兩次運動;年齡越高者越傾向參與紅衫軍運動,而年齡在參與太陽花運動並沒有達到顯著水準,筆者認為跟網路世代及公民社會的趨勢有關。 在態度變項中,政黨認同泛藍及偏向統一的民眾越傾向參與紅衫軍運動,而泛綠及偏向獨立的民眾越傾向參與太陽花運動;最後, 政治信任程度越少、公民不服從程度越高的民眾越傾向參與兩次運動。


Since Red-shirt Movement in 2006, Media in Taiwan has widely used a word on many different platforms, called "Civic movement”. Civic movement is considered belonging to the value reconstruction in civil society. The goal of the movement is not only focusing on supervising the government or expressing collective consciousness, but it also puts more attention on civic culture, civic awareness and other discussions. The number of the participants each in Red-shirt Movement (by 2006) and in Sunflower Movement (by 2014) are both more than the total population of 7%. By this data, I compare the different participation factors between this two movements. Through the analysis of binary logit, in demographic variables, the older nationals are, the higher participation in Red Movement is, but age doesn’t arrive a obvious level in Sunflower Movement. The author here consider that is because of the trend of Internet generation and civil society. In addition, the higher education is ,the higher participation in the both movements is. On the contrary, gender doesn’t reach significant levels in this two movements. In attitude variables, people who are toward blue party identification and unification, incline to participate in Red-shirt Movement. Moreover, people who are toward green party identification and independence, are partial to Sunflower Movement. On the other hand, People are less political trust and more civil disobedience, participating in the both of the movements more actively.


