  • 學位論文


Civil Administration and Governance in Singapore

指導教授 : 陳鴻瑜


新加坡在獨立以後,高效率以及廉潔的文官制度一直為全世界所稱頌。而新加坡的文官制度除了沿襲自英國的傳統制度外,同時因應時空環境的變化而有所調整。 新加坡早期因地理位置優越,曾遭受數個國家的殖民,但主要以英國的殖民時間最長。英國留給新加坡政治以及文官制度,但是文官制度當時仍未十分完善。直到新加坡在1965年獨立以後,李光耀所率領的人民行動黨在幾次大選壓倒性的勝利後,掌握政權的李光耀內閣,針對文官制度逐步朝改革的道路走。 新加坡的人事行政機關主要以公共服務委員會、公共服務署、及各級人事局為主,負責新加坡整個文官制度的任用、考核、培訓。而新加坡的俸給制度也聞名全世界,除了部長的薪金高於已開發中國家的平均水準外,同時薪金制度與私人企業掛鈎,讓文官薪資隨著當時的經濟情況而有所調整。 新加坡主要是以菁英政策為其文官制度的核心,在其教育與文官任用上都看得到菁英政策的影子。同時藉由培訓制度來提高文官的視野與能力,並且透過考核制度來提拔人才、淘汰績效不好的文官。最後,新加坡成立貪污調查局,成為文官的監督機制,除了可嚇阻文官貪污之念外,也能有效提升人民對於文官的信心。 本文即透過研究新加坡的文官行政機關的組織與功能,以及管理文官的制度與監督,來探討新加坡的文官行政制度與其治理成效。


新加坡 文官制度 公務員 治理 菁英政策


Singapore is highly praised by her good efficiency and incorruptible civil administration. The structure of Singapore’s civil administration is also model from England’s system, but it can dynamically adapt to the change of both external and internal environment. Because Singapore has an ascendant geological location in the Southeast Asia, it was colonized by England and Japan successively. Although England left the politic system and civil administration for Singapore, but there has some shortcomings of the civil administration. After Lee Kuan-Yew led the PAP to win the power of government, he began to reform the civil administration. The major responsible institutions of Singapore’s civil administration are the Public Service Commission, the Public Service Division, and the Personnel Boards. They are in charge of the appointing, assessing and training of the whole civil administration. Furthermore, the salary system of Singaporean civil servants is famous too. The salary of the ministerial level is higher than the average salary of same level of the developing countries. It links up to the salary of private enterprises, and correspondence with the change of the economic conditions annually. The core value of Singapore’s civil administration is elitism, which is through education to recruit the able young persons into the civil administration. Furthermore it promotes civil servant’s vision and ability with its training system; elevates talent and eliminates poor-performing servants with assessing system. Finally, Singapore established the CPIB to eradicate the corruption of civil servants. Therefore this paper focuses on the operation of civil administration and governance in Singapore by the studying the structure and function of the civil administration.


Singapore civil administration governance elitism


王榮川,「人民行動黨與新加坡現代化 (上)」,復興崗學報,第27期,台北:政治作戰學校,1982年,第343-372頁。
Downs, Anthony, Inside Bureaucracy, Boston: Little Brown, 1967.
Kaufman, Herbert, “Fear of Bureaucracy: A Raging Pandemic,” Public Administration Review, Vol.41, 1981, pp. 1-9.
