  • 學位論文


The Management Policy and Mechanism of Releasing Chinese Tourists Visiting Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾復生
共同指導教授 : 何思因(Si-yin He)


2008年馬英九先生贏得臺灣多數人民支持,成功的為臺灣帶來第二次的政黨輪替。由於競選時提出了不少改善兩岸關係的政見,包含了開放包機直航、有限度承認大陸學歷、開放陸資來臺投資房地產、陸客來臺觀光等事項,因此社會大眾也預期兩岸關係可望有顯著的變化。隨著金融危機對我國所產生的影響逐漸擴大,為救經濟,新政府在兩岸交流議題中選擇了開放大陸人士來臺觀光作為主推政策。 隨著兩岸交流日益密切,「開放陸客來臺觀光」確實為我國經濟上帶來了莫大商機,卻也必須擔憂政治層面上「以經促統」的狀況產生,而針對兩岸人民的立場更須深入探討,以期了解未來兩岸在推動政策之時其背後的戰略思維及考量。大陸當局目前相當重視兩岸交流,對我國亦多方讓利,其真正戰略意涵為何?而我國逐漸鬆綁的政策走向未來是利多於弊或弊多於利? 值得進一步研究與探討。 有鑑於兩岸關係交流密切使得臺灣對大陸的依賴程度加深,大陸的任何舉措都將影響臺灣,未來兩岸關係發展亦將從現行的「開放」走向「安全管理」。本研究共計五章。第一章為緒論、第五章為結論外,其他三章則試圖從大陸及臺灣各自的利益出發,深入解構兩岸政府決策的背景。從了解大陸的對臺政策,以期達到「知己知彼,百戰不殆」之效,到檢視我國現階段陸客來臺政策執行之相關法規。期在迎接大陸人士來臺觀光之際,為臺灣地區旅遊業者提供因應兩岸不同政治制度、經濟體系、社會結構及文化的解決之道,及早佈局陸客來臺觀光商機以提升競爭力,並研擬具體因應對策


In 2008, Mr. Ma Ying-jeou won the election by receiving over 58% of the vote. Mr. Ma successfully ended eight years of DPP’s ruling and brought KMT back again as the leading party in Taiwan. In Mr. Ma’s plan, he purposed several policies in terms of improving Taiwan’s relationship with China—cross-strait direct flight, limited admission of Chinese academic record, allowing Chinese fund to invest realty in Taiwan, releasing Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan and so on. Because of Mr. Ma’s plan, people expect that there might be some major changes when it comes to Taiwan and China’s relationship. Accompanied with the impact of global financial crisis, in order to promote internal economic, Ma government chose “releasing Chinese tourists visiting Taiwan” as the main policy among the issues of Taiwan and China. The interrelation between Taiwan and China gradually becomes closer and closer. Although the release of Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan indeed brings enormous business opportunities and boosts the economic, Taiwanese at the same time worry that China will take this economic leak as opportunity to force Taiwan to unite politically. Taiwanese government should stand in people’s shoes to build the strategies and practice the policies. Currently Chinese government pays high attention to the exchange between Taiwan and China and offers considerable advantages. However, focusing on these desirable offers, Chinese government’s strategic intention remains undisclosed. As for Taiwan, whether the gradually loosening policies will bring advantages or disadvantages is worthy of further discussion. The increased exchange between Taiwan and China deepens Taiwan’s dependency on China and allows China to hold a great influence upon Taiwan. To avoid this situation, the development of cross-strait relationship will switch from “complete openness” to “secure management.” This research consists of five chapters. First chapter is a brief introduction and the final chapter will draw a conclusion. Based on both Taiwan and China’s respective interests, chapter two to four try to deconstruct the background of cross-strait policies of both sides. Taiwanese government can construct even more thorough strategies by analyzing Chinese government’s policies. Focusing on the chance of releasing Chinese tourists to visit Taiwan, this thesis aims to provide a solution for settling the political, economical as well as cultural discrepancies between Taiwan and China.


