  • 學位論文


Awakening the Unsung – Proposal of Urban Regeneration in Old Town of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

指導教授 : 賴怡成


吉隆坡自百餘年前在甲必丹葉亞來和英國殖民政府的治理和管轄下日益發展迅速。然而在都市發展的趨勢下,吉隆坡市中心移向雙峰塔安邦路區域,舊城區逐漸被忽略遺忘。其歷史古蹟一一被拆遷興建高樓,而近年當地的移工文化也逐漸取代了舊有的生活空間與足跡。同時在常年觀察舊城區共享的文化與創意產業下,該論文提議通過文創產業與聲音地景的注入,與相關都市更新策略和設計方針,以活化舊城區。 為達成設計目的,文獻研究集中探討了幾個部分:從都市更新到都市再生、文化與創意產業到都市意像、和場所精神到聲音地景,從中尋找進行設計的方向。筆者通過基地分析尋找當地特質與針對性的都市策略。在深入探討了舊城區的有形與無形特質的過程中,發現當地的鄉音文化、華人社團與會館、和過往的影音產業仍有相當的文化價值卻不被珍視,其相關建築也沒被妥善保存;逐漸沒落成為都市裡的餘音。此外,街道與巷弄之間亦存有曖昧不明的緩衝空間,與當地社區的生活是不可分割的。 都市架構的藍圖設計集中在各個聲音節點的連接性,通過綠色景觀和開放空間,注入相關的活動機能和都市策略,以解決當地現有的議題。接下來重新改造當地的中央藝術坊,打造舊城區聲音與文創產業的中心節點。通過該基地重新連接舊城與河流的關係,喚醒各個聲音節點,讓餘音縈繞回蕩於舊城區……望此論文可提議出新的都市方針,從聲音地景和影音文化中,找出活化舊城區的設計策略。


Kuala Lumpur has always been a developed town under the administration of Chinese Capitan Yap Ah Loy and British colonization since hundred years ago. Nonetheless, along the urban development Kuala Lumpur city center gradually moved to area around Petronas Twin Towers at Jalan Ampang; and the Old Town was getting abandoned. The historical buildings were demolished for high rise project developments; in addition to that incoming immigrant workers phenomenon slowly replaces the past livelihood and spaces. Viewing that the sharing culture as well as local cultural and creative industries are widely potential among the old communities, thus the thesis is aimed to propose design solutions by inserting the local cultural and creative industry as well as highlighting soundscapes to rejuvenate the Old Town. To achieve design objectives, literature review was carried out to find related directions, from the aspects of urban renewal to urban regeneration, cultural and creative industry to image of the city, and sense of place to soundscape. Site analysis was done to find its uniqueness and suitable design strategies. Throughout further research into these tangible and intangible elements within the site, it is found that the dialects, Chinese clans and associations, and past entertainment industries are valuable cultural assets yet underrated and their associated buildings are unappreciated. Other than that, the relationship of buffer zones between streets and alleys are discovered to be related with the livelihood of the locals. Design strategies of the urban masterplan focuses on the connection of sound nodes via landscapes and open spaces with related sound programs in addition to resolve the current urban predicaments. The subsequent step is to derive the site of existing Central Market to create the central sound nodes of the Kuala Lumpur Old Town. By connecting the river and old town via the building, we revive the sound nodes and reverberate them through the old town…… This thesis suggests an alternative design proposal for urban regeneration and cultural preservation from the aspect of soundscape and sound elements.


English references
Anonymous. (27 February, 2014). What got lost between ‘cultural’ and ‘creative’ industries. Retrieved from The Conversation: http://theconversation.com/what-got-lost-between-cultural-and-creative-industries-23658
Anonymous. (2016). Robert Moses. Retrieved from The New York Preservation Archive Project: http://www.nypap.org/preservation-history/robert-moses/
Anonymous. (2018). About. Retrieved from Petronas Twin Towers: https://www.petronastwintowers.com.my/about
