  • 學位論文


Implementation of Device Identification and Distance Detection based on Bluetooth Beacon Technology

指導教授 : 林其誼


雖然近幾年手機開始普及,價位普遍不高且相當親民,雖可藉由Google地圖、搭配手機來使用其定位追蹤。然而透過GPS搭配手機、雖然使用方便且快速,室外定位標準誤差為15m。但是GPS仍須倚靠衛星定位,且無法針對室內定位,作精確之距離判斷與估計。針對手機本身之耗電量、可用之待機時間,也是必要的考量因素。 本研究擬利用蘋果公司所制訂的iBeacon藍牙信標技術進行應用設計。iBeacon乃基於藍牙4.0的Low Energy (BLE)運作模式,以廣播特定格式訊息內容的方式,讓接收端得以藉由所收到訊息內容進行延伸之應用。除了可能取代部分NFC功能以外,還有許多相關之應用,好比補足GPS不足之室內導航就是其中之一。且妥善利用藍牙之信標功能,iBeacon不但可作為室內定位工具之外,還可使用其本身訊息推播之機制,發送商品優惠訊息、建築大樓位置及名稱與機場個人行李之追蹤。最後發揮藍牙本身、功能之最大優勢,成本價格低、消耗電量很小、不佔用通訊頻帶。還有最重要的是,iBeacon所提供之相對位置,誤差值約略2到3m左右。 因此我們透過兩個樹莓派(Raspberry Pi)執行藍牙信標發射端與接收端之實務應用,順利讓傳送端透過短距離通訊技術之藍牙(Bluetooth)方式傳遞,使其發送廣播封包內容本身包含iBeacon藍牙信標。接收端則必須辨識與過濾藍牙封包,再將篩選後之封包進行分析以取得iBeacon藍牙信標之所有資訊,藉此由封包內容當中的信號強度數據套入數學公式以得到兩通訊裝置之間的估計距離,最終希望達成兩裝置之間識別與防止碰撞的功能。 本研究的實作項目包括下列幾點:1. iBeacon藍牙信標封包格式研究。2. iBeacon藍牙傳輸端設定與發送。3. iBeacon藍牙接收端設計與測試。4. Raspbian藍牙套件安裝與環境編輯。5. Python Code程式語法、邏輯、函式庫引用。6. iBeacon藍牙信標過濾與名單建立。7.傳送功率量測與接收功率顯示。8.距離計算程式設計。


Global Positioning System (GPS) has been extensively used for outdoor locationing applications, however, it does not work in indoor environments. The recent Bluetooth Beacon technology fills the gap for micro-locationing applications because of its low cost and the ubiquity of Bluetooth interfaces on smartphones. Based on the Bluetooth beacon technology, in this research we would like to implement device identification and distance detection between two objects. Specifically, we use two Raspberry Pi 3 development boards to play the roles of a beacon transmitter and a beacon receiver, respectively. At the beacon receiver, beacon packets from a specific transmitter can be filtered out, and then the receiver can do distance detection based on the received signal strength indicator (RSSI) and the transmission power of the received packets. To do that, we modified the open source code from Bluepy and implemented two distance estimation formulas. Experimental results show that the beacon receiver can successfully identify the beacon transmitter and give a rough distance estimation.


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[2] Silicon Labs淺談三大低功耗藍牙beacon標準, Sep, 07 2016
[3] 李欣宜 Beacon微定位商機崛起, Jan 15, 2015
