  • 學位論文


Food, Globalization and Environmental Justice in My Year of Meats

指導教授 : 黃逸民


論文名稱:《食肉之年》小說中的食物,全球化和環境正義 頁數:120 校系(所)組別:淡江大學英文學系碩士班文學組 畢業時間及提要別:九十九學年度第二學期碩士學位論文提要 研究生:唐玲容 指導教授:黃逸民 博士 論文提要內容: 本文從跨國全球化的角度來討論露絲、尾關 (Ruth L. Ozeki) 的小說《食肉之年》(My Year of Meats, 1998),藉著指出在全球化的影響之下跨國間文化和經濟交流所產生的壓迫和憂慮。特別是美國對日本的食物(牛肉)促銷和影像的交流引申出強化白人霸權文化以及藉由女性作為刺激消費的意象而延伸到整個環境的危機。 珍(Jane)身為移民的第二代擁有來去自如和跨越邊界的能力進而在跨國經濟中扮演的文化仲介或文化翻譯的角色。文章中先論及全球化的正負面相,進而以食物的全球化,如:麥當勞飲食文化,探討美國文化霸權對日本的影響。這霸權是以影像的交流再加上崇拜西方的日本男人(Joichi Ueno)作為此仲介而達成藉由白人女性來說服日本女性接受西方的飲食文化。 第二章是以珍(Jane)作為邊緣的中心脫離霸權中心從影像中的家庭主婦重新建構美國社會的多樣性以及女性的聯盟達成揭露牛肉生產到消費對環境和人類的危機。 除此之外,尾關藉由秋子(Akiko)角色說明對以男性為中心的跨國食物產生賤斥。第三章則是探討肉品所傳達的訊息。在此章中以卡爾、亞當斯的《肉的性別政治》(The Sexual Politics of Meats)為主說明從活生生的牛到人類口中的牛排,動物的屍體被視為一種不存在的東西(an absent referent)因為牠們被人類殺害時的痛苦被忽視,不僅如此由於過度生產和消費牛肉造成環境的污染和人類生存的危機。本論文以生態女性主義和素食主義作為結論說明環境的拯救仰賴消弭二元對立的衝突以及更多的行動主義者付諸於行動。


Abstract: Viewing Ozeki’s My Year of Meats from globalization perspectives, this thesis attempts to point out the oppression and anxieties under the impact upon the flow of economic and cultural globalization, especially the promotion of US beef through the international media that draws on the reign of white-cultural he- gemony, namely Americanization, in Japan and boosts up the consumption of US beef that in turn brings the environmental crisis. As one of the second genera- tion of American immigrants, Jane is able to walk freely between borders and acts as a medium or cultural translator between America and Japan. This thesis starts with the pros and cons of globalization and how western foodway takes the lead to change Japanese eating habits. Take Joichi Ueno who sees BEEF-EX as his center for example, he places himself in the center of the margin making use of the images of American wives to transmit the American value to Japanese women in order to strengthen his male power and excite the consumption of US beef to please the American patriarchy. In the second chapter, Ozeki makes Jane as a centrifugal force moving away from the power of American patriarchy and Joichi Ueno’s control as well, presenting the multi-cultural differences in American society and unveiling the degradation of the production of US beef by the alliance of all the women. In addition, Ozeki has Akiko the representative of the transnational abjection. Based on Carol Adams’s The Sexual Politics of Meats, meat, as an absent referent, is the focus in the third chapter because it, a piece of dead body, has been transformed literally for human interest and exis- tence. Herein, animals’ pain and rights are also discussed; besides, the en- hancement of meat consumption brings environmental deterioration that imperils human existence. To sum up, the reversal of the environmental degradation re- lies on the elimination of the political and gender opposition and the changes of human behavior. Thus, this thesis will end with the theory of ecofeminism and vegetarianism.


Chen, Shu-ching. “Transnational Abjection: Producing and Consuming Food and Images from the Abject Borders in Ruth L. Ozeki’s My Year of Meats.” Chung Wai Literary Quarterly (中外文學) 35.1. (2006):11-39.
Works Cited
Abrams, M. H. et al. The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Vol. 1 & 2. New York: Norton, 2001.
Adams, Carol J. The Sexual Politics of Meat. New York: The Continuum Publishing,


