  • 學位論文


A Study of Relationship between Cram School Employees' Organizational Identification and Turnover Intention in Taipei and Taipei Country

指導教授 : 陳錫珍


本研究旨在探討國中文理補習班員工組織認同與離職傾向之間的關係。首先探討組織認同與離職傾向的理論及其相關研究,其次,分析國中文理補習班員工組織認同與離職傾向的現況、差異情形、相關情形及組織認同對離職傾向預測力,並綜合文獻探討與調查研究結果,提供具體可行之建議,以供補習教育業者、文理補習班員工及後續研究者之參考。 本研究所採用的方法主要為問卷調查法,根據相關文獻編擬問卷初稿進行預試,依據預試結果編製「臺北縣市國中文理補習班員工組織認同與離職傾向關係之研究調查問卷」。研究對象以台北縣市地區國中文理補習班員工為主,共抽取35家文理補習班,總計710名,回收問卷為561份,有效問卷為522份,回收率為79%,可用率為73.5%。資料處理部分以SPSS for Window12.0中文套裝軟體為主,採用t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關、逐步多元回歸 分析等方法進行統計。本研究之重要發現為: 一、多數的國中文理補習班員工所知覺到的組織認同屬中上程度,其中以參與感的感受程度最高。 二、多數的國中文理補習班員工具有較高的離職傾向。 三、國中文理補習班員工對組織認同的知覺會因其婚姻狀況、年齡、年資、職務及教育程度的不同而有顯著差異。 四、國中文理補習班員工對組織認同的知覺會因其規模大小及所在地區不同而有顯著差異。 五、國中文理補習班員工對離職傾向的知覺會因其婚姻狀況、年齡、年資、職務及教育程度的不同而有顯著差異。 六、國中文理補習班員工對離職傾向的知覺會因其規模大小不同而有顯著差異。 七、國中文理補習班員工組織認同與離職傾向具有顯著負相關。 八、國中文理補習班員工組織認同之「疏離感」與「休戚感」等構面對離職傾向最具有預測效果。 根據上述研究結論,本研究提出以下之建議: 一、對補習教育業者的建議 (一)放寬國中文理補習班員工的升遷制度 (二)強化溝通平台與團隊合作 二、對國中文理補習班員工的建議 (一)適當地調配工作增加參與感,以提高員工組織認同 (二)重視國中文理補習班員工的進修與休閒活動 三、對後續研究者的建議 (一)研究取樣方面:擴大研究範圍 (二)研究變項方面:增加變項 (三)研究工具及研究方法方面:加入質性研究


The study explored the relation between organizational identification and turnover intentions in cram school employees in Taipei. Questionnaires assessing cram school employees' organizational identification and turnover intentions were completed by 522 employees from 35 cram schools in Taipei area. The results of the study were as follows: 1.Most of the cram school employees perceive a medium-high level of organizationalidentification. 2.Most of the cram school employees have intentions to leave their cram school. 3.There were significant differences in cram school employees' organizational identification based on marital status, age, years in profession, position, and level of education. 4.There were significant differences in cram school employees' organizational identification based on size and area on cram school size and location. 5. There were significant differences in cram school employees' turnover intention based on marital status, age, years in profession, position, and level of education. 6. There were significant differences in cram school employees' organizational identification based on cram school size. 7. Cram school employees' perception of organizational identification was negatively related to turnover intentions. 8. Cram school employees' organizational identification was found to be a good predictor of turnover intentions, characterized by alienation and cohesion. The study concluded with several suggestions for improving cram school employees'organizational identification in Taipei.


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