  • 學位論文


The Research of Dine-out in Japan:A Study of Hamburger Franchise

指導教授 : 蔡錫勲


本文主要是針對在外食產業的市場規模越趨縮小的情況下,漢堡連鎖企業會透過哪些促銷戰略來刺激買氣進而促使外食產業能夠蓬勃發展。此外,在一向採取低價格戰略的速食產業中,對於這樣的低價格戰略是否真的有其效果來進一步做探討。再者,更針對漢堡連鎖企業又是如何改變其自身的經營戰略來面對市場環境的變化以及消費習慣改變等等議題做進一步的探討。 在此,以在速食產業中占有大部份市場的漢堡連鎖店為主,探討其經營戰略和市場發展的過程。其中又特別針對在日本市場上占有一定銷量的麥當勞、摩斯漢堡、肯德基以及儂特利為例,藉由競爭戰略和價格戰略以及服務市場等等觀點來探討各企業的市場優越性為何。依據4P理論,企業透過○1商品的品質要求、○2價格的制訂、○3銷售通路、○4廣告行銷等來策劃各種促銷活動以刺激買氣。以漢堡連鎖店為例,最先考量的就是能夠符合消費者多方面需求的經營戰略最為成功。 對速食產業來說,有形的商品和無形的顧客服務是同等的重要,除了商品的品質要求之外,透過和顧客建立密切的溝通進而提升和顧客之間的關係也是有其必要性。此外,漢堡連鎖店在外食產業中如何能夠如此屹立不搖,其成功的關鍵在於低價格策略與高品質策略並重施行以符合時代潮流,並且提供多樣的菜單供顧客作選擇,以及提供各式各樣的經營型態來應付顧客族群多樣的需求。另外,漢堡連鎖企業不僅僅在國內市場發展,在國外市場包括台灣、韓國、中國等等也都積極投資,拓店發展事業。我們可以發現,其經營戰略又或是市場定位越清楚明瞭的企業,就越能夠吸引顧客上門消費。


The main purpose of this paper is the dine-out market has become smaller, and the burger chain of leading companies how to let the dine-out industry become actively. In addition, in the fast food industry has always adopted a low-price strategy, and is that really effective? Furthermore, how to change its business strategy to deal with changes in market conditions and customers habits for hamburger chains. At this point, the hamburger chains occupies the majority of the market in the fast food industry mainly to discussion on the course of its business strategy and the developments of market. And take McDonald’s, Mos Burger, KFC and LOTTERIA for example, that are important role in the market, by the point of view of competitive strategy, price strategy and service markets to discuss what’s the market superiority for those companies. According to the 4P theory, the enterprise can plan various promotional activities to stimulate buying. For the hamburger chain, the first consideration is able to meet the various needs of consumers. The tangible goods and the intangible customer service are equally important for the fast food industry. So it’s necessary to keep good relationship with customers. In addition, both of low-price strategy and top-quality strategy have been to carry out in the same time, and provide a varied menu for customers to choose, as well as to provide every kind of shop to meet the diverse needs of customers. We can understand a successful enterprise must has clear market positioning to attract many customers to purchase in their shops.


蔡錫勲(2003)『日本企業の経営戦略 : どうなる.日本企業!日の出か.日没か?』、致良出版社。
蔡錫勲(2009)『日本型経営 : 「失われた十年」における日本企業の戦略的変革とその東アジアへの影響』、致良出版社。
