  • 學位論文


The relationships between festivals cape, satisfaction, place attachment, and revisit intention

指導教授 : 吳坤山 張敬珣


本研究藉由文獻回顧與問卷調查法探討節慶旅遊環境、滿意度、地方依戀、與重遊意願之間的關聯性,其中地方依戀由地方認同、地方依賴、及情感依附共同組合而成。本研究主要以曾經到訪墾丁春吶節慶活動之遊客為研究對象,總計發放250份問卷,回收198份,剔除因填答不完整之無效問卷共有15份,實際有效問卷為183份,有效問卷回收率73.2%。透過敘述性統計、信效度分析及結構方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)中之偏最小平方估計法(Partial Least Square, PLS)進行分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1.節慶旅遊環境品質正向影響遊客消費滿意度。 2.遊客的滿意程度愈高,其對旅遊地方認同愈高。 3.遊客的滿意程度愈高,其對旅遊地方依賴愈高。 4.遊客的滿意程度愈高,其對旅遊情感依附愈高。 5.遊客對旅遊地方認同愈高,其重遊旅遊地意願愈高。 6.遊客對旅遊地方依賴愈高,其重遊旅遊地意願愈高。 7.遊客對旅遊地情感依附愈高,其重遊旅遊地意願愈高。 最後,依據研究結論,提供恆春地區旅遊發展有關當局參酌。


This study reviews extant literature and conduct empirical analysis to examine the relationships between festivals cape, satisfaction, place attachment, and revisit intention. Place attachment is composed of place identity, place dependent, and affective attachment. The people who have been to Kenting to participate Spring Scream are research target of this study. After 250 questionnaire were distributed, we retrieved 183 usable samples. The quantitative research method including descriptive statistics, validity analysis, reliability analysis, and structural equation modeling (Partial Least Square method) were then conducted for data analysis. The main empirical results are as followings: 1.The quality of festival scape is positively associated with customer satisfaction. 2.Customer satisfaction is positively associated with place identity. 3.Customer satisfaction is positively associated with place dependent. 4.Customer satisfaction is positively associated with affective attachment. 5.Customers’ place identity is positively associated with revisit intention. 6.Customers’ place dependent is positively associated with revisit intention. 7.Customers’ affective attachment is positively associated with revisit intention. The tourism related institute of Hengchun could refer to the empirical results of this study.


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