  • 學位論文


Action Research on Reading Abilities in Morning Reading Activities for the First Graders

指導教授 : 徐新逸


「閱讀力」是一種「自學能力」和「思考能力」,是所有學習的基石。本研究的研究目的為:1.晨讀活動之活動設計;2.晨讀活動對國小一年級學生識字量能力的影響;3.晨讀活動對國小一年級學生字辨識流暢性之影響;4.晨讀活動對國小一年級學生詞彙理解力之表現情形。 本研究採行動研究的方式,以新北市S國小一年級某班共28名學生為研究對象,於每周一到周五早上7:50到8:30實施為期八週的晨讀活動。研究對象在晨讀活動的前、中、後,分別接受「自製識字量表」、「字辨識流暢度」與「詞彙理解測驗」測驗,並進行成對樣本t檢定,考驗研究對象在接受「晨讀活動」後,閱讀能力是否有顯著差異。此外,再結合「晨讀回饋單」、「觀察記錄」、「訪談記錄」與「省思札記」,來了解晨讀活動對一年級學生的影響,並從研究的結果歸納出適合國小一年級學生的晨讀活動之活動設計。 研究結果得到的主要結論如下: 1. 晨讀活動的活動設計包含謹慎選書、家長支持、教師示範閱讀、同儕分享、分組結果與鼓勵讚美。 2. 晨讀活動有助於提升一年級學生的識字量。 3. 晨讀活動有助於提升一年級學生的字辨識流暢度。 4. 晨讀活動有助於提升一年級學生的詞彙理解能力。


Reading ability contributes to self-learning and higher order thinking; it is the foundation of all learning. The purpose of this study is to explore the appropriate approaches of conducting morning reading activities. In addition, it examined the impact of such activities on first graders’ reading abilities in the following three components: vocabulary acquisition, reading fluency, and reading comprehension. This research adapted action research approach, involving 28 first graders from an elementary school in New Taipei City. Participating students engaged in eight-week daily morning reading activities, running on every Monday to Friday from 7:50 to 8:30. Three teacher-made assessments, including vocabulary, reading fluency, and reading comprehension, were distributed at the beginning, middle, and end of this research period. A sample t test was conducted to determine the changes of reading abilities as student participation in the morning reading activities. To further examining the impact of the morning reading activities, the researcher collected additional data through student feedback, observation records, interview records, and reflection journals. A recommendation of the most appropriate activity design was made based on the research finding. There were four major findings in this research: First, the best approaches to conduct morning reading activities included proper selection of the reading materials, parental support, teacher modeling, peer sharing, group competition, and teacher praise. Second, morning reading activities successfully increased students’ acquisition of vocabularies. Third, morning reading activities improved reading fluency. Finally such activities also promoted reading comprehension.


王瓊珠、洪儷瑜、張鬱雯、陳秀芬(2008)。 一到九年級學生國字識字量發展。教育心理學報,39(4),555-568。
洪儷瑜、王瓊珠、張鬱雯、陳秀芬(2008)。 學童“識字量評估測驗”之編製報告。測驗學刊,55(3),489-508。


