  • 學位論文


A study on students’ satisfaction towards the school library after the reconstruction of library in elementary schools of New Taipei City.

指導教授 : 楊瑩


本研究旨在瞭解新北市參與圖書館(室)改造之學校對圖書館使用及滿意度之研究,本研究主要目的有: 一、探討新北市國小圖書館改造後學生對學校圖書館的使用情形。 二、探討新北市國小圖書館改造後學生對學校圖書館之滿意度。 三、分析新北市國小圖書館改造後不同背景學生對學校圖書館滿意度之差異。 四、根據研究發現提出可供未來相關政策改進參考之建議。 本研究以自編之調查問卷為主要研究工具,採取問卷調查法,依據學校所在地、學校規模,分層隨機抽樣,共抽取20所學校,以各該校高年級學生為樣本進行調查。回收有效問卷共391份,問卷回收率為80.3%。本研究之主要結論可歸納如下: 一、新北市最初是以試辦方式先擇校推動「圖書館改造工程,並自2012年度起正式實施「圖書館改造及營運四年計畫」,其政策以逐年補助國小圖書館改造經費為主。 二、本研究調查樣本全部都曾使用圖書館,且其使用圖書館的最主要目的為「借還書」。 三、學校圖書館(室)改造後,學生對圖書館之滿意度以「整體評價」為最佳,最低的是「館藏和館員服務」。 四、學生對圖書館之滿意度,在性別上沒有顯著差異,但在年級、學校所在地區及學校規模等方面,則有顯著差異。 五、新北市國民小學圖書館(室)改造後學生使用滿意度各構面之間呈現高度正相關。 六、新北市國民小學圖書館(室)改造後,學生對學校圖書館提出宜加強改善之建議,以「充實館藏」為主。


This study mainly aims, via adopting the methods of questionnaire survey and literature review, to explore the satisfaction of students towards the school library after the reconstruction of school library in elementary schools of New Taipei City. The main purposes of this study include: 1.To understand the use of school library of students in elementary schools after the reconstruction of the library in New Taipei City. 2.To explore the degree of satisfaction of students towards the school library after the reconstruction of the library in New Taipei City. 3. To analyze the similarities and differences in the satisfaction of students, with different backgrounds, towards the school library. 4.To propose useful suggestions, based upon the findings of this study, to the related administrative bodies, as well as schools and teachers, etc. for the future reform of the policies, and for the improvement of effectiveness of library services or management. A self-designed questionnaire was used as the tool of this study. By using stratified random sampling, a total of 20 schools with 462 students were selected as survey samples, and, with a response rate of 80.3%, 391 valid questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The conclusions of this study can be summarized as follows: 1. “The 4-year’s project of the library reconstruction of schools” in New Taipei City was introduced in the beginning as an experimental project in selected schools, and it has been implemented formally and widespreadly since 2012, with a policy focusing on annual funding for the reconstruction of the school library on the competitive basis. 2. All the respondents of this study have used the school library, and the main reasons for them to go to library are “to borrow or return books”. 3. Students were most satisfied with the “overall evaluation” towards the school library, according to the analysis of a combination of different indicators, but it was found that the “inadequate collection of books and service of librarians” were the most dissatisfied response of students. 4. There is no gender difference on students’ satisfaction towards the school library, but significant differences on students’ satisfaction towards the school library were found between different grades, the size of schools, and the location of schools. 5. Students’ satisfaction towards the school library reveals significant positive correlations in terms of all indicators or dimensions measured in this study. 6.The major suggestion of students towards the school library is “to broaden and enrich the collection of books”.


陳建文、陳美文(2004)。圖書館使用者認知價值、滿意度與忠誠度關係之研究。圖書與資訊學刊50,32- 48。
