  • 學位論文

父權中的女性之困境: 論愛麗斯‧渥克的《紫色姐妹花》中性別不公、種族主義與覺醒

Women’s Predicaments under Patriarchy: Gender Inequality, Racism and Awakening in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple

指導教授 : 鄧秋蓉


本文主要研究非裔女性作家愛麗絲‧沃克的紫色姐妹花中黑人女性處於最低下的位置,並且在美國南方種族主義及性別歧視的狀況比其它區域更加嚴重。這也就是黑人女性始終無法建構自身的主體性並且反抗種族及性別的不公平。 第一張討論由於父權制的偏見造成女性缺乏教育的機會,並且導致女性長久以來的自卑及服從。父權社會想壟斷婦女的權利,只讓女性接受次等或者低下的教育,造成女性的知識及智力薄弱並且遠不如男性。此主要的目的是,以維持父權社會的持續性及合理性,更重要的是不允許女性擁有發展自我意識(subjectivity)的權利及空間。 第二章討論種族主義與性別歧視是如何直接地影響黑人女性的位置。因為種族認同也造成黑人女性失去自我及地位。第三章主要探討女主角Celie成功的建構自我意識並且找回自我的認同,並且拿回自主權及脫離男性的壓迫,其中最重要的因素是女性情誼(female bonding)的協助及愛。


This thesis studies African-American feminist Alice Walker’s The Color Purple, to examine colored women’s position situated in the lowest. In the South of the U.S., where sexism and racism are more serious than in other parts. Therefore, it it rather hard to get rid of opposition and to obtain a sense of subjectivity for black women. Moreover, most women of color are still stuck in the oppression of racism and sexism in their life. In Chapter One, I indicate that women’s subordination and inferiority derive from lack of education and biased social system within patriarchy. Women are prohibited from working because they must obey the patriarchal order, that is entering marriage to take care of children and households. For centuries, women have been deprived of opportunities to obtain, which turns them into fragile beings and makes them unable to complete for authority with men. Chapter Two presents how sexism and racism affect women of color. Being a double minority, they have to endure the imposition of sexism and racism. Thus, one of the elements of the construction of Celie’s subjectivity ethnic identification--- as black woman. In Chapter Three, I exhibit how Celie constructs her subjectivity with the help of female bonding, sisterhood. Furthermore, it is an important factor that the economic independence makes women actually emancipated from subjugation. Therefore, the protagonist, Celie, eventually finds her subjectivity and self-identity as she gains economic independence.


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