  • 學位論文


A Study on Parental Education Needs and Parenting self-efficacy for Foreign Spouses in Taipei

指導教授 : 柯志恩


本研究旨在探討新移民婦女親職教育需求與親職自我效能感之狀況,以作為規劃新移民親職教育課程之相關依據。本研究對新移民婦女的親職教育需求狀況,以及親職自我效能感狀態採問卷調查法,研究工具為自編「新移民婦女親職教育需求與親職自我效能感問卷」,以育有國小階段子女且居住於台北縣市之新移民婦女為對象,發出140份問卷,有效樣本102位;所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行分析,歸納研究結果如下: 一、新移民婦女在親職教育需求上普遍擁有高需求,而其中又以「親子關係知能與技巧」需求最高。 二、新移民婦女在親職自我效能感上普遍擁有高效能,其中又以「親子關係」部份最具有信心與勝任感。 三、新移民婦女在「母親職業」、「家庭收入」背景變項上對於親職教育需求有顯著差異。 四、新移民婦女在「母親職業」、「家庭收入」背景變項上對於親職自我效能感有顯著差異。 五、新移民婦女親職教育需求與親職自我效能感有顯著正相關。 六、不同親職教育需求程度之新移民婦女在親職自我效能感狀態上有顯著差異。 依據研究結果與討論,研究者提出相關的具體建議,以供教育、社會及後續研究作為參考。


This research is to study the context of Parental Education Needs and Parenting Self-efficacy for Foreign Spouses in Taipei. It was also the basis to scheme out the parental education teaching plans. This research applies the questionnaire inquisition to study the Parental Education Needs and Parenting Self-efficacy. The research tool is the “questionnaire on parental education needs” and “questionnaire on parenting self-efficacy” for foreign spouses who child study elementary school in Taipei. There were 118 samples valid from 140 questionnaires. The received information is analyzed by the methods of Descriptive statistics, Pearson's product moment correlation, and One-way ANOVA. The results received can be concluded as following: 1.Regarding the content of parent education needs, the parents for children who study in elementary schools in Taipei Counties claimed that they need “knowledge and skills for promotion Parent-child interaction ” the most. 2.Regarding the content of Parenting Self-efficacy , the parents for children who study in elementary schools in Taipei Counties has the confidence “Parent-child interaction” the most.. 3.Foreign Spouses with diverse occupations and family revenues demonstrated differences on parent education needs. 4.Foreign Spouses with diverse occupations and family revenues demonstrated differences on parenting self-efficacy. 5.There was significant correlation between parental education needs and parenting self-efficacy for Foreign Spouses in Taipei. 6.Foreign Spouses with diverse parental education needs demonstrated differences on parenting self-efficacy. In the basis of the results and discussion of the study, the researcher thereby proposed several practical suggestions for education, society and further researches.


王秀紅、楊詠梅 ( 2002 )。東南亞跨國婚姻婦女的健康。護理雜誌,49(2),35-41。


