  • 學位論文


The effects of investment behavior bias for investors

指導教授 : 曹銳勤




Traditional finance assumes that people are rational, and other psychological factors are excluded; behavioral finance is irrational. In real life, it may be affected by the external environment, and the impact of psychological bias, resulting in irrational investment behavior, resulting in poor investment performance. Gender has an impact on the experience effect. Investment experience has an impact on the herding effect and lack of investment experience, so self-confidence is insufficient and it is easy to follow the opinions of friends. Age and investment experience have an impact on the framing effect. Small age and low investment experience, due to the way the problem is explained, it is easy to make judgment errors. Age, education level and investment experience have an impact on the anchoring effect. Because only the trend of past stocks is referenced, and the current international economic situation is not paid attention to, it is easy to produce anchoring effect.


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