  • 學位論文


A study on Cross-strait Joint Fight against Crime and Mutual Legal Assistance Agreement

指導教授 : 張五岳
共同指導教授 : 王智盛(Zhin-Sheng Wang)


由於兩岸語言及文化相似,地理位置臨近 ,因此兩岸一直以來就兩岸間或者擴及第三國曾多次進行情資合作、共同偵查案件,對於偵破之案件的台籍嫌犯,以專機方式遣返回台。近年發生多起台灣民眾涉及海外電信詐欺案件,如2010至2011年的菲律賓「台嫌遣陸」案、2016 年的「肯亞案」,中國大陸主張對該等案件有管轄權,要求涉案嫌犯全數遣送大陸,交由大陸司法單位審判。針對全球性跨國犯罪,涉及兩岸第三地之刑事犯罪日益增加,兩岸所簽訂之司法互助協議,必有助於兩岸間犯罪之打擊,以及更加精簡所需之警力、人力,以協議之方式跨越兩岸之特殊關係之窠臼,進而改善兩岸間的司法互助,此論文為研究兩岸間的共同打擊犯罪及司法互助之協議。以國際相關規範,針對國際打擊犯罪之立法模式,比較、歸納並探討國際共同打擊犯罪之趨勢,以助於兩岸打擊犯罪之落實。


Across the cross-strait, language and culture are very similar due to geographical location.Taiwan and China - with third party nations - have cooperated and repeatedly carried out intelligence exchange over the investigation of common cases of the detection of Taiwanese suspects and consecutive repatriation. In recent years, many Taiwanese people involved in overseas telecommunications fraud cases; the 2010 – 2011 case in the Philippines, ‘Taiwanese fraudsters repatriated’; 2016 in Kenya, "Kenya case". Mainland China advocated jurisdiction of the case, requiring all suspects involved be repatriated back to China, by the Chinese judicial unit trial. In the case of global transnational crime, the increasing number of criminal offenses involving third cross-strait parties and the mutual legal assistance agreement signed between the two sides of the strait, Taiwan and China, will help combat the crimes and strengthen law enforcement, including cross-strait manpower mutual relations in the strait. Moreover, improve the mutual legal assistance between the two sides. This paper specifically examines the cooperation between the two sides and the mutual legal assistance. The relevant international norms, in comparison to the international crime legislation model, this article explores and summarizes the common international fight against trends of crime, and how to help the cross-strait combat the implementation of crime.


李傑清 (2016),〈台籍電信詐欺嫌犯在第三國被遣送中國大陸案之爭議〉,《刑
林振耀,(2014),《海峽兩岸共同打擊犯罪及司法互助協議」簽署後 我國警察
